HI new to the group I just got a 1995 fiesta vee 280 it did not come with shore power cords not sure what I need it has 3 plugs on the side I have ac can some one tell what I need this different than my last boat only had one plug
thanks Lou
thanks Lou
Can you take a picture and post?
Likely 1 plug is for the general power, 1 plug is dedicated for the A/C and the other is not a plug, it is a TV cable connection (some docks have cable TV stations).
The shore power chords are available at places like West Marine, they are normally yellow cables with 3 prongs on a round end, 30 amps. They aren't cheap.
Take a picture of the plug with the cap off so we can see the pattern.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
I have never seen 3 shore power cords on an older Rinker. Usually there are two, one for the A/C and one for the "house" (battery chargers, fridges, ect.). Some of the boaters where I dock at that have the dual cords use a Y cord and then use one shore power cord to the power ped. Some marinas in my area charge per cord and that is their way around it.
Go Steelers!!!
Greg, normally the 3rd is the TV/Telephone dockside jack. I have one on my 260EC.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Go Steelers!!!
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Go Steelers!!!