Fuel sender replacement

diggin2day1diggin2day1 Member Posts: 1,329 ✭✭✭✭
I need to replace the fuel sender in My 270FV. I am not getting any resistance readings(unless I tap on the top of the tank, then it bounces wildly for a second). I contacted the manufacturer of my fuel tank(Florida Marine Tanks) and this was their response to me:

 The sender in this tank is an electrical float arm sender.  We have them
in stock.  They are $50.00 each plus $20.00S&H.  Please reference part
number 22023073 at a length of 10 1/4" when ordering.  Attached is the
cc form to complete to place the order.

I am not too familiar with fuel senders and have a general idea(through forum searches) how they operate, so here is my questions: Is there a better option other than purchasing(That $20 shipping charge burns my a$$) from the original manufacturer? Are the aftermarket products just as good? Better? Does the new sender have to be EXACTLY 10 1/4"? Any recommendations for new senders?


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