Tax Time? Loan Interest Deduction - IRS
Michael T
Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
I brought this up on another thread and thought maybe I should raise it here too. Now that tax time is near just a friendly reminder for guys who own cruisers. If you have a fixed head, cooking, capability and sleeping capability you can deduct the interest on a loan to finance it. There may be more details but it is a great advantage. Steve (Handymans 342) confirmed this and mentioned his wife is a tax accountant. I believe he said he might post the IRS rule number? Anyway, I can't (boo hoo) as my government is too cheap but to any of you who can - lucky you!
PC BYC, Holland, MI
I have a bad feeling an audit is coming my way this year. Between homes, investments, new line of credit, a new w2, and a solar credit I'm getting close to 30k back. I'm pretty sure they don't like cutting those checks....
That said, I don't's an extra layer of complexity on the tax return. Could easily be disputed.
Also, as a 2nd home - interest rates are so low now, the annual interest expense may not justify the increased scrutiny.
my 2 cents.
Too funny, maybe a 360 sea ray!