Starting procedures
i have a question for the owners of 2005 fiesta 270. How do you start your boat? Do you give the throttle a few forward burst to get the fuel pumping? I have a 350 MPI I believe, and I believe it is fuel injected. It seems to start better after a few pumps on the throttle with it in the button pushed in position to get it a few revs without engaging transmission. But if it is fuel injected this should not be necessary correct? Thanks
Welcome. First off, you don't need to just compare to 2005 fiesta 270 owners. The 350 MAG is the same on any other boat.
1) Run blower for a few minutes.
2) Start engine in neutral, at idle rpms.
3) Do not increase RPMs, especially right after start. Want to give things a chance to get lubricated.
4) Wait for temp to rise to about 100F, and then go.
So, based on your question, I presume you are having problems if you try starting in neutral and keep it at idle rpms? Please explain what happens.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Now the time I did push button(there is a correct name for it but forget) was when I was having some engine trouble and this gave me the extra boost to get started. But now all is good, she starts like a dream. Even after sitting for 4 months.
06 Rinker 270
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
06 Rinker 270
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"