Installed trim tabs this weekend... I have a question

I spent about 9 hrs over two days installing trim tabs and the wiring on my 246CC this weekend.  The project went pretty smoothly, but I was unable to test to see if they actually worked. 

Here is the question... for those of you with the factory electric tabs with the self retracting feature, does the engine have to be running for the trim tabs to work?

The trim tab instructions for the wiring require a power/ground hook up (preety self explanitory) but then also require a seperate "signal" for the self retracting feature (I have the LED indicator swtches).  If the signal is not hooked up correctly, the instructions say the tabs won't work. The choice for the signal can either be the analog signal for the tach (to see if the engine is running) or the on/off power from the ignition.

When I went to wire all the stuff, it looked like the standard Rinker wiring bundles had all the optional trim tab power connections already there.  There was a connector for power with a 20amp fuse and a convienient conector for the tach signal.  So obviously, I chose these connections.

After connecting everything, the tabs would not turn on, the only thing I could think of is that because I didn't actually start my motor (no tach signal?), the tabs won't work.  The boat is on a trailer in an area where I can't get muffs on the outdrive.

I was going to try changing the tach signal to the ignition on off power, but I figured I check with everyone else first before I mess with it more. 

So..for those of you with the factory electric tabs with the self retracting feature, does the engine have to be running (not just key in the on position) for the trim tabs to work?



  • Cableguy GregCableguy Greg Member Posts: 5,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have the electric ones that self retract. They are connected to the ignition switch. When I shut off the ignition, and the motor is not running, I can hear them retract.
    2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes"
    Go Steelers!!!
  • Glassguy54Glassguy54 Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭
    Ditto what Cableguy Greg said. Whenever I turn off the key when I'm messing around on our 246 out of the water, on the trailer, I will hear the tab motors doing their thing, so obviously wired to the switch. Engine need not be running.
  • elarson5757elarson5757 Member Posts: 232 ✭✭
    As you know I just got mine installed.  Engine does not need to be running to work, just the ignition on.  Turn the key off and they retract.
  • 2013Rinker246cc2013Rinker246cc Member Posts: 18
    So I rewired to the ignition ON power and they work! I kind of expected them to extend farther downward. Only 2 and 1/4 inch extension, but that is what I was told they should be.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2016
    Were they installed as per instructions? I think that "down" position will make a lot of difference. Remember you don't want to use them  unless you have to, to get on plane or balance a load as they are power and mpg thieves. Give them a try I think you will be happy. BTW... my factory self retracting tabs only self-retracted when the engine was shut OFF.
    Post edited by Michael T on
  • JoeStangJoeStang Member Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2016
    My 2013 276 has them from the factory and the engine HAS to be running for me to be able to control them. Of course they retract when the key is turned off.

    I wish it wasnt this way, as it would be nice to get inside the pockets and clean the grime & zebra mussels during the season. Maybe liability? So someone doesnt accidentally get a pinched (or worse) finger if they detract with a hand near them?

    Mine are built into the hull, more or less.

    2013 276 Cuddy ~ 350 MAG / B3
  • 2013Rinker246cc2013Rinker246cc Member Posts: 18
    Joe, it is an easy modification to wire the tabs so that they can function while the ignition is in the ON position without the engine running. Lenco said that they could be wired either way, but I could only see disadvantages to only be able to move the tabs with the engine running so I switched my wiring. 

    I read somewhere that the only reason Lenco wired the tabs to the tach signal was that they were afraid they would violate a Bennett patent for their self retracting tabs if they also used the ignition power.

    You have to move the orange wire from the Lenco control box from the gray wire (tach signal) to the purple wire (power from ignition on to gauges). Both of these wires are in the pigtail that plugs into the back of the tachometer. 
  • MadcowMadcow Member Posts: 58 ✭✭✭
    ditto Cable Guy.

    I installed the Lenco w/LED switch and they retract as soon as the ignition is turned off.

    Boat: 2004 232 Capitva CC

    Boat Name: Mixed Nutz

    Location: Wintrop Harbor (Lake Michigan)

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