There is a 12volt box usually near the TV power source that needs to be switched on to give power to the antenna. This must be switched on (and to 12volt sometimes). If it is on and the connection is good you will see a red light. Now, when you know that is good. Look at the Antenna on your arch. There should be a little red light up there as well. If there isn't check the coaxial connect at the antenna. I have had two Rinkers that had a bad connection here. (Not just Rinker's other I've seen a lot of other brands on the dock with this same problem). Also it goes without saying you need a digital TV.
Your T.V. cabling probably goes like this: There will be a powered splitter wired for 12 volts in the cabinet behind your T.V. (the splitter was probably 110v too but I hear the 110v line gets cut-off at the factory). From that splitter, a coax cable will be connected to the galley T.V. - coax and 12v line should be run to the front berth (behind a cabinet if you don't have the bow T.V. option) - coax and a 12v line should be run to the rear berth (behind a cupboard or box) if you don't have the aft berth T.V. option and the main "reception" coax cable should be run from the same splitter, through the coaming, up through the interior side of your radar arch or hard top side support arch to the T.V. receiver. Red lights indicate electrical connections. I have found some of the coax runs were bent to a near 90 degree bend - not so good - I have put a more gentle curve in the coax. I have come across connection ends that were not firmly installed. Re tightening these can dramatically improve reception. On my 2013 EC 310 I ran a quadruple shielded coax cable from the splitter, along the coaming (loomed and zip tied down) up through the access hole to the hard top arch and to a coax outlet that we put into the access plate on the starboard hard top arch for a cockpit T.V.. We also ran dedicated (clean) 110v and 12v lines to the cabinet behind the galley T.V. for future satellite box and direct T.V. boxes in the cupboard. Best of Luck!
I have the same boat. Found the antenna pre amp behind the 12v electrical panel. the connectors that were used we're twist on and were shorting from ground (shield) to signal ( center conductor). Make sure these are all good. Will cause signal issues. i have satellite dish on the dock and wired to use antenna when away from dock.
Thanks Guys for all the info. Just replaced all the TV's and now getting about 25 Channels.
It is the mess behind the electrical Panel but after searching for a while it is all good.
Thanks again
This works very well on my RV. I may put one on my boat
the connectors that were used we're twist on and were shorting from ground (shield) to signal ( center conductor). Make sure these are all good. Will cause signal issues.
i have satellite dish on the dock and wired to use antenna when away from dock.