Charger and fridge

awhiresawhires Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
1995 fv-265. Battery charger and fridge on same breaker. Worked last week, I pressure washed the engine compartment the other day now the breaker is tripped and won't reset.  There is a battery isolator switch also. What / where do I start troubleshooting this??tia! - clear


  • F1100F1100 Member Posts: 292 ✭✭✭
    Dont ever pressure wash engine bays/engines... simple as that.

    A Lot of parts can get water ingress due to the pressure, and takes weeks to dry out , and or corrode and never work again.

    use a multimeter and trace it from the source to the effected units... will take time...but has to be done. 
    1993 300 FIESTA VEE TWIN 5.7L ALPHA GEN 2
  • awhiresawhires Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    Yeah, at the time it seemed like the easiest way to clean it. In hindsight I knew better., does anyone by chance have the wiring diagram for this boat?? I had it and accidentally deleted it. 
  • youstolemybeeryoustolemybeer Member Posts: 246 ✭✭✭
    Unless you got REALLY crazy with the power washer you know that the fridge didnt get wet. So that leaves the battery charger as the (hopefully) problem. (the isolator  will still work under water). look at the isolator and you will see one wire going to the alt and 2 wires going to the batteries (one wire each battery) and another 2 wires going from those lugs to the charger. Disconnect those 2 charger wires. Now try the breaker. For a breaker to trip you have to have a hot wire coming in contact with a negative wire. so start with the most obvious and work your way back to the battery.   But then again, with my boat (same make and model as yours)  and the way Ray Charles and Helen Keller wired it, it would be something like The battery charger and the Fridge stopped working because the it was the fridge that blew up and had nothing to do with the power washer
    Also check the alt wire on the alt itself. There should only be one wire coming off the hot side of the alt to the isolator. If you have the red wire leading to the starter than that could also be the problem (you could have sprayed it up to ground it on the engine block). From the merc factory the alt wire goes to the starter, but for 2 battery installations it should go to the battery isolator. On mine they ran to the starter and to the battery isolator.  
    I dont have the wire diagram online but do have a hard copy so I can do my best to help.  contact me direct my user name at
    Good luck

  • MarkBMarkB Member Posts: 3,986 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree. It's probably the battery charger that got water in it.

    You might be able to save it by drying it out. Not sure the best way (hair dryer???).

    Boat Name: King Kong

    "Boat + Water = Fun"

  • awhiresawhires Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    Thanks Guys! I don't think I got close to the starter at all. I did hit that left hand front corner where all the connections are. Wtf is the metal box with the yellow wires coming out? Just a fancy junction box I think. Anyway, I'll pull the charger wires and check. Can't do it till weds. But yeah, the wiring is crap on these boats
  • MarkBMarkB Member Posts: 3,986 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is that your isolator?

    Boat Name: King Kong

    "Boat + Water = Fun"

  • awhiresawhires Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    No it's some nondescript metal box w/ 110v coming in and out??
  • youstolemybeeryoustolemybeer Member Posts: 246 ✭✭✭

    for some reason my phone is not synching to the computer. here is a link for the generic wire diagram. you are looking for the single engine diagram.

    The yellow wire box is for 110volt. it runs the wire to the battery charger
  • awhiresawhires Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    Fixed. The junction box melted together 
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That could have caused a fire
  • frenchshipfrenchship Member Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
    I don't think that junction box is factory, on my boat all junction box are plastic. Let me wonder if the yellow wires are marine grade they don't look that way
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Marine boxes must all - as of 2013 at least - be plastic. That wiring definitely does not meet today's standards. Scary!
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,093 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It looks like the wireing has yellow snake skin over it. At first I thought it was old cloth covered wire!
    2008 330EC
  • frenchshipfrenchship Member Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
    Mine is a  2007 and all plastic boxes
  • F1100F1100 Member Posts: 292 ✭✭✭
    Off topic, I have seen MANY cars crap out from owners shampoo/pressure washing car engines as well.

    Its a silly thing to do in general.

    1993 300 FIESTA VEE TWIN 5.7L ALPHA GEN 2
  • awhiresawhires Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    It is a 95'. I'd go broke if I had to upgrade the entire boat to today's specs. The wiring is original, it has woven fire shield. I've talked to and seen for myself other ppls. Boats, that it is from the factory. I'm not saying it's right, but it is what it is.
    Thank you to people who offered their insight to help me trouble shoot this. 

    And, before we do another lap of" never pressure wash the engine compartment" I heard you the 1st time. I already admitted it was a bad idea. 

    I get get on here to learn, share, and I try to help others, not interested in being shamed. 
  • youstolemybeeryoustolemybeer Member Posts: 246 ✭✭✭
    Power wash an engine.   HAH. I would never do that (again).  I cut ALL the fuel injector wires on the wife's old car, at the diy car wash.   Oops
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    did it to my 300Z- was a very expensive lesson...
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2016

    awhires, absolutely agree - no shaming here. Some of us older guys tend to repeat ourselves, please forgive us that! Since none of us is perfect - don't give up on us! It's a great forum and we all value your participation. This forum server doesn't have enough memory to list all of my mistakes. I just try not to make the same ones twice LOL

    BTW your point of upgrading to today's standards applies to cars, houses...... what we try to do on the forum is point-out a past practice that might be harmful instead of just "the old way of doing things". We are more boater than diplomat sometimes! :-)

  • awhiresawhires Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    Michael T. Thanks for writing, I get it. I do enjoy the forum and appreciate everyone's help! There is a wealth of knowledge here and it is one click away.
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