Wet Weight of 276 BR with arch and 350 mag


Any thoughts on wet weight of a 276 Br with arch and 350 Mag?  I have Toyota Sequoia with a towing capacity of 6500 lbs. 



  • franchrmfranchrm Member Posts: 40 ✭✭
    Good points.  I test towed it and it didn't feel much different than my 246. I pull out of the water on a very steep ramp no problem and stopped no different though I want to run all of the towing calculations to be sure.    May need to upgrade the SUV:)
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭

    An acquaintance said his 2014  276 was close to 6800 pounds with gas and gear. Also respectful reminder - loads for tow vehicle ratings are for full tank of gas, minimum gear and one driver. All other loads - more passengers, gear etc. must be subtracted from the vehicle's published maximum tow rating.

  • elarson5757elarson5757 Member Posts: 232 ✭✭
    If the dry weight of the 276 is some 5800 pounds wouldn't the full weight of the boat with some gear and gas PLUS the weight of the trailer far exceed 6800 pounds?  That's only 1000lns for the fuel, anything added to or stored in the boat and the weight of the trailer...
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You could easily be right. The gas on a 276 should be around 75-80 gallons? I bet the weight of the trailer was NOT in that calculation! That would add about another 1500 lbs? 

  • franchrmfranchrm Member Posts: 40 ✭✭
    Here is what I come up with:  Dry weight 5,760/ Fuel 400  / Gear 250 / Trailer 1500.  Total weight on trailer about 8000 lbs.  Seem accurate?
  • elarson5757elarson5757 Member Posts: 232 ✭✭
    franchrm said:
    Here is what I come up with:  Dry weight 5,760/ Fuel 400  / Gear 250 / Trailer 1500.  Total weight on trailer about 8000 lbs.  Seem accurate?
    I believe so yes.....
  • NavyCTRCNavyCTRC Member Posts: 303 ✭✭✭
    Bottom line franch, you are over weight for the truck.  That doesn't mean you can't tow the boat, just understand that if you are in an accident your insurance will likely dump you and not pay the claim.  If you are towing a couple miles to the nearest ramp and back, the truck will handle it, if you plan on getting on the highway and actually going somewhere, it's likely the transmission or some other part of the truck will eventually fail.  In order to tow that load safely and without putting stress on the vehicle, you need a 3/4 or 1 ton truck.  This is my opinion, but I am sure others will echo it.
  • NavyCTRCNavyCTRC Member Posts: 303 ✭✭✭
    Let me correct myself, the new Ford F150 is rated at 12,000lbs!!! That is insane!  The new Chevy is rated for 11,500lbs! 
  • jme097jme097 Member Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    I am actually in the market of getting a new pick up due to me getting a 280 which exceeds my current trucks capacity. The 5.3L Silverado is 9,600 lbs and the 6.2L is 12,000 lbs. The 3.5L Eco Boost F-150 is rated for 12,200 LBS towing capacity while the V8 5.0L is only 8,500. lol I have made tons of phone calls. Hoping to pull the trigger soon. That being said, Franch I am currently in the same position as you as my current DD's capacity is far exceeded. I was told by my insurance agent that if I were to get into an accident with it, they would deny the claim in a heartbeat. 
    Boat Name: Knot A Worry
    2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @jmeo97 is TOTALLY CORRECT..... My friend has two insurance franchises. About 10 years ago a client of his was in a very bad accident involving towing his boat. The boat, trailer and items were taken to a weigh scale. The towed weight was above the rated towing capacity of the tow vehicle. There was no insurance. The guy who was doing the towing had to declare bankruptcy but will still face payments garnisheed from any future pay for the rest of his life. A stupid 30 minute tow to a cottage ruined his family's life! 
  • franchrmfranchrm Member Posts: 40 ✭✭
    Good info....in looking online it seems like there are not many SUVs that have a high towing capacity.  It looks like a Ford Expedition 9100, Nissan Armada 9000, Tahoe 8500, Sequoia 7500.  I thought a few years ago Toyota advertised the Sequoia at 10K?  Interesting.
  • mattiemattie Member Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭✭
    The sport arch adds a fair bit too. I orig had a Yukon XL with the 6.2L. It would pull no problem...stopping wasn't near as nice. The loaded up 276 would push the Yukon around pretty good. Driving a '15' HD GM now. Zero towing issues.
    246BR, 276BR, H310BR current
  • Mike_GMike_G Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭

    What year Sequoia (just curious).  I had a 2010 Tundra with the 5.7 (381HP) and the 4:30 gears in it.  Rated at over 10,000lbs towing.  Just surprised the "Tundra SUV" would take such a hit to towing capacity.

    Now for my truck, I just got a 2016 F150 3.5 Ecoboost, 3.73 and max trailer tow.  11,500 lbs for me though since it's got every option and is a crew cab 4x4.  -=Mike G.

    2014 Rinker 260EC

  • NavyCTRCNavyCTRC Member Posts: 303 ✭✭✭

    Any pics of that truck?  I sure do like the looks and amenities of the Ford, but back in 2010 when I bought my truck, the Duramax from GM beat all of them. 

  • elarson5757elarson5757 Member Posts: 232 ✭✭
    NavyCTRC said:

    Any pics of that truck?  I sure do like the looks and amenities of the Ford, but back in 2010 when I bought my truck, the Duramax from GM beat all of them. 

    It still does except for the Ram Cummins if you are talking about 3/4 ton pickups.  For the 1/2 ton I think the winner is easily the Ford EcoBoost unless the new 1/2 diesel that Ram is doing is better than 11,500...
  • NavyCTRCNavyCTRC Member Posts: 303 ✭✭✭
    I think the 1/2 ton diesel is right around 10,000 or less, I know it's less than the gasser.  Speaking of trucks, I just got hit with the first expensive repair of my 2010 Duramax.  A steering wheel sensor for the stabilitrack system.  They want like $700 to replace it, the part is only $100, but they have to pull the whole steering rack to get to it.  I haven't made up my mind.
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do not attempt
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