Faria Hour meter flashing symbol - left side

DanishgodDanishgod Member Posts: 35 ✭✭

I bought a new Rinker and the tachometer has an imbedded hour meter - great.   But I did not receive a manual and am trying to understand the meaning of the flashing "hour meter" of time clock symbol in the left side of the display.  Also, the first day of running the boat the light stopped working but the tach still works.  I don't know if these tow points are related or not.  any thoughts would be appreciated.

Best Answer


  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe that means it's picking up the signal
  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,797 mod
    The flashing hourglass means the hour meter is running (accumulating hours).  

    Important:  Although the hour meter is supposed to run only when the engine is actually running, sometimes it will run when you turn the key to the accessory position (engine NOT running).  This is a known, frequent problem with the Faria tach/hour meter.  Over time, it can cause the hour meter to read too high.  To figure out whether the meter is accurate, you have to read the hours directly from the engine computer (using Vessel View, MercMonitor or other engine monitor).

    Did the lights stop working in all of the gauges?  If yes, look for a rocker switch marked "Dimmer".  Press and hold to change the brightness of all gauges and rockers.

    If it's just the tach, it's not difficult to replace the bulb.
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