Starter Help

NRathNRath Member Posts: 135 ✭✭
Spur of the moment decision Friday, after literally 6 weeks of rain, its sunny and warm, and facing Memorial Day!  Let's peel back the winter covers, start up the Captiva, and hit the lake for dinner and our first sunset!  I had hauled it for a fill up about 2 weeks ago, battery was off the Tender since then.  Got the water connected and boom!  2 cranks and it's alive- first time since last fall.  It ran like a top.  I ran it for about 5 mins, varying rpm's.  The stars are aligning, gear loaded into boat and we're off.  Ramps not too busy, got her dropped in, hit the key, primed the FI, went to crank and nothing.  A little diagnosing and it came to a crescent wrench hitting the starter, got a weak 2 cranks, then nothing.  An hour of diagnosing, it's back on the trailer.  3-1/2 hrs later, the starter is out- that is seriously no fun!!  Especially the consideration of breaking a bolt or the tab on the block of the 4.3.  PB Blaster to the rescue.

There are a horde of starters on Amazon/ebay in the $80 range, Chinese knock-offs I imagine.  With a Korean made V-P costing ~250, they are strong candidates.  However, getting stuck on the water trumps the $170 difference pretty quick.  I always put Toyota parts in my Toyotas; the Jeep, not so much...  Being a rookie boater, I don't know which way to go.  Factory or aftermarket is the guidance I'm looking for. Or, at least, what have been you seasoned boater's experiences...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Remember for insurance coverage (and your safety), USCG approved double insulated marine approved ignition parts that are "spark protected" must be used. Fuel plus spark is bad anywhere - in an enclosed  engine bay on the water it is spectacularly bad.
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just make sure it's marine rated
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,093 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is what I bought for my 5.7 been very happy with it.

    Sierra International 18-5913 Delco Permanent Magnet Gear Reduction 2-Bolt Starter
    2008 330EC
  • NRathNRath Member Posts: 135 ✭✭
    Definitely sticking with a marine rating.  That Sierra is made by Delco, they've made a few starters, I s'pose.
    That actually leads to another thing i've wondered- the quality of Sierra products in general as they offer just about everything.  Stealership had Sierra oil filter in Stock, but I had him order the v-p (I wasn't in a hurry).  Took them a month, lol.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @NRath, good call on the marine rating. I don't remember anyone knocking Sierra. We'll see what the guys say.
  • NRathNRath Member Posts: 135 ✭✭
    edited May 2016
    @Alswagg  06 v-p 4.3 gxi, yes, yes, oem #35?7625
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had mine rebuilt for a hundred bucks two years ago...
  • NRathNRath Member Posts: 135 ✭✭
    Al, with you're recommendation, i'm game for the Arco.  Even better is that they are based in Pensacola and I know the road they're on! I doubt they make their own castings but it looks like they might wind the motors. Very cool.  Is that price you found online, not too many vendors for their stuff.

    Ras, I looked at repairing- the solenoid can be had for about $30.  At first glance, a complete new starter was little more than double and seemed the better route at that amount of money.  I've had great success with repairing several starters.  New contacts in a solenoid, new brushes, and a commutator cleaning does wonders.  There's usually a local motor shop to get the parts from.  Racing R/C cars as a kid has paid off with a lot of motor experience.  I've seen some boat starters upwards of a grand!  Rebuilding those is the only way to go on my budget.

    FWIW, it's the contacts in my solenoid that have died, but these solenoids dont appear to be serviceable, ala the marine rating.  I'm going to cut it open on a bandsaw at work tomorrow just for a look-see.
  • NRathNRath Member Posts: 135 ✭✭
    I went the feel good route: V-P starter.  Given I was at ~180 for the Arco, I'd gladly pay that extra $70 threefold in 3 years to keep from being stuck at the dock or worse out and about when the family and I are out to have some fun.  4 hours out, 30 minutes in!  Geesh!!
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