just bought our Fiests Vee 250 and spent a great weekend boating ....need to get a manual for the 2005 model . Can anyone advise please , is this available to download or purchase. Many thanks
@tessah. Rinker makes a generic manual. I don't know if it can be downloaded or purchased but one of the members might be able to scan it for you. It is pretty basic though and you are probably past its knowledge point.
There have been some good manual scans for individual operating systems like HVAC, generator, refrigerator, stereos etc. on this forum.
What engine/drive package to you have? Mercury may have a manual available for that. If not we can help with specific questions.
In the mean time you should feel free to ask any specific questions as you'll get lots of friendly help here.
Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on the purchase of a great boat!
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As others of mentioned, the manual is lacking model specific detail. Fortunately there are Rinker owners and quite a few FV250 owners on this forum who are highly knowledgeable and generous with their sage advice. Andy
@tessah. Rinker makes a generic manual. I don't know if it can be downloaded or purchased but one of the members might be able to scan it for you. It is pretty basic though and you are probably past its knowledge point.
There have been some good manual scans for individual operating systems like HVAC, generator, refrigerator, stereos etc. on this forum.
What engine/drive package to you have? Mercury may have a manual available for that. If not we can help with specific questions.
In the mean time you should feel free to ask any specific questions as you'll get lots of friendly help here.
Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on the purchase of a great boat!
Jump into the forum with both feet! :-)
We're here to help. Ask any question - don't be shy!