"Panel" light switch 2004 FV 250?

amajamaramajamar Member Posts: 57 ✭✭

I have one switch on the dash that doesn't seem to do anything...and doesn't light up when toggled.  It's got two settings plus off.  It's called "Panel" and has a light bulb indicator, and I assumed it was to illuminate the dash panel, but those lights come on when the running lights are on, so I am a little stumped.  When I follow one of the wires back, it goes into a connector that has a round yellow thing on it, which may be a sounder, but there is another little black round "thing" connected to the ignition switch, which I thought was the engine indicator horn.

Anyway, what does the "Panel" light switch supposed to do?



  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,511 admin
    I think that is your dimmer switch....
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org     raybo3@live.com
  • amajamaramajamar Member Posts: 57 ✭✭

    Yes... you are correct... I just figured that out... I guess that's what the yellow cylinder thing is... the dimmer.



  • Capt_SteveCapt_Steve Member Posts: 281 admin
    Love it when a plan comes together!
  • UtahEdUtahEd Member Posts: 7
    Don't beat yourself up over it.  Unlike me, at least you did not take your boat back to the dealer and have them explain it to you.  Now THAT was embarrassing...
  • amajamaramajamar Member Posts: 57 ✭✭

    I'm new to the boating thing and I'm sure I have many more stupid questions up my sleeve!! 

    As a follow up...  Now that I know that it's the dimmer switch, all the other switches have a line shaped indicator light when they are in the on position except this one.  Is the bulb burned out it it or does it not illuminate in that way?

    And on that note, can it be wired to dim all the individual switch illumination?  FWIW, the instrument panel even on max brightness is very dim compared to all the other switches...

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