That is a tough one to define. You might look at the install manual for
your VHF and see what they say about it. It gets on the important list for RF
systems that transmit. Radar too?? BTW what is an MFD?
I am in the process of creating a wire antenna for my 20 meter ham radio (W8PWP/MM) that I have aboard. So I might learn something more about it from that. If I do, I will pass the info on to you.
Right now I have a compromise pole mounted vertical dipole that I fasten to the bow rail when I wish to operate. Coax from the antenna is fed back to a connector I have on the helm panel, from there coax routes to the inside of the boat where the radio is located. So if I follow it all out, the RF ground can be considered to be at the radio since the antenna is fed from there. The power leads for the radio go to directly to the house battery. If there are any RF currents in the power leads, the RF level on the battery post would be off set from its ground reference at the radio.
From another thread, it occurred to me that a case could be made that the central ground block at the rear of the engine room for all the DC circuits might also be considered as an RF ground.
Thanks! I asked around a little, it seems most people just combine the "RF ground" with the DC ground and wire them in together, so that is what I ended up doing. My new MFD (Multi-Function Display) is a Raymarine E97 and it is great! Now I just need to get the new radar, new transducer and a heading sensor so I can overlay the radar onto the map. I am selling all the original stuff, Raymarine C70 and Pathfinder radar.
Right now I have a compromise pole mounted vertical dipole that I fasten to the bow rail when I wish to operate. Coax from the antenna is fed back to a connector I have on the helm panel, from there coax routes to the inside of the boat where the radio is located. So if I follow it all out, the RF ground can be considered to be at the radio since the antenna is fed from there. The power leads for the radio go to directly to the house battery. If there are any RF currents in the power leads, the RF level on the battery post would be off set from its ground reference at the radio.
Does any of that make any sense?
Thanks! I asked around a little, it seems most people just combine the "RF ground" with the DC ground and wire them in together, so that is what I ended up doing. My new MFD (Multi-Function Display) is a Raymarine E97 and it is great! Now I just need to get the new radar, new transducer and a heading sensor so I can overlay the radar onto the map. I am selling all the original stuff, Raymarine C70 and Pathfinder radar.