I bet this hasn't happened to anyone else on here.....
Ok, I was in the middle of a work meeting yesterday with some upper management when my work cell rang from my mechanic. Being I really wanted to get the boat back this weekend, I walked out and answered. I was asked "Did you take your boat back to your marina?"....my stomach dropped (and felt like I needed to go to the bathroom). Well, my boat was missing. (it gets better, hang in there) He then mentioned, hmm, there was another Rinker that had issues and tied to his dock until he could get it towed. Well, they towed the wrong freakin' boat! I finally talked to the towboat operator & well, my frustration came out. It was towed for about 4 or 5 hours the day before.....then towed back last night. Has this happened to anyone else??? I really questioned the operator (he owned the entire towing company - & yes, I even pay yearly for it! Makes me rethink it though. I asked him how he could tow (or steal) a $200k boat without verifying registration (or even boat name)!?!?! I won't name any names yet, because I'm still working all this out, but thanks for letting me vent again!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Years ago, after I trailered my boat to a yard for service, the manager called me to say the trailer had been stolen, and I needed to file a police report. I directed him to perform an impossible act with himself, and that HE needed to file a police report. Eventually, he figured out that one of his guys had "borrowed" my trailer to haul a boat to a nearby marina.
Now, that was dumb, but nowhere near as dumb as towing the wrong boat!
long story but funny and I got the boat back
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
PC BYC, Holland, MI