Engine oil convo with my neighbor
i don't run merc oil in my engines but run hd 30 oil either by castrol or penzoil
some people swear that engines run better when using the quicksilver mix.
if you look at the specs straight 30 is what it calls for.
some people swear that engines run better when using the quicksilver mix.
if you look at the specs straight 30 is what it calls for.
06 Rinker 270
PC BYC, Holland, MI
As you know I've repowered with a hotter engine, and one that should be able to tolerate 6k rev mechanically (but spark starts spraying around 5500rpm as it turns out)... I'm running the Schaefers but less the archoil until I pass 20 hours. It's on its second change right now at about five hours. I wanted that builders lube out. The rings haven't seated yet as is apparent by the even banks blowby, but I have confidence they will. I can't wait to get a analysis from above 20 hours to about 50. I hope that comes out is as good to my floater as it is the powerstroke.
The more I read at bobistheoilguy, the more convinced I am that the marine heavy (while cold) oil is to keep water from infusing, then hoping to steam it out asap. The 30w's are absolutely capable of lubrication and transferring heat as any 40 or 50.
PC BYC, Holland, MI