4 blade bravo 3 props?
I have a 2005 fiesta 270 that is way under powered. As we all are aware. Anyone have the Hill Marine 4 blade bravo 3 prop set? Worth it? I realize I can only squeeze out so much from a small block engine. Not 100% on WOT RPM I'll have to check next time at the lake. All I know is I need a little extra push! Thanks!
It is, what it is, IMO this boat needs another 100 hp !
22 pitch 3 blade 16% slipage at 4000
20 pitch 4 blade 13% slipage at 4000
PC BYC, Holland, MI
PC BYC, Holland, MI
How much was a set? Is Hill marine a local place?
My boat came with 24p bravo 3's and we were never able to get over 3900 rpm. I was planning to go to 22p bravo 4x4 with Hill but they highly suggested going with a 20p. I took there suggestion and instantly over spun the engine within 5 minutes of going out. I wish I would have stayed with my suggestion of 22p's. Shipping the props back to Hill in Cali cost me $180 at UPS and I still have to pay for the return shipping back to me once they decide to ship me out the 22p's.... I am being told they are a little backed up right now but was promised they would ship last Friday. No one has called me for a card to pay for the return shipping yet so I am not confident that really happened. They appear to make a great product, just don't get caught up in the free exchanges... They are painful to say at the least. If your boat is sling launched and your marina charges anything like mine you can stack another $400 on top to pull it out and put it back in twice. Once to put old props back on and another time once the new props come in.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Before: 24P B3 3 blade with 1/4 to 3/8 tank of fuel with 4 people
Max Speed: 31 mph
Max RPM: 3900 rpm
Best Fuel Economy: Steady 0.9mpg
After: 22P B3 4x4's With FULL tank of fuel, full water an 1 person. About to leave on long trip, only comparison currently available.
Max Speed: 33.6 Mph
Max RPM: 4300
Best Fuel Economy: steady .08 but flickering to .09
I would say that this is probably what the boat needed but it is too early to say. 250 Gallons of fuel and nearly full amount of water is probably about 1500lbs more than i normally run around town with. I am leaving on a long trip and will update with more info once i return.
I recently looked at an old boattest review of a 342 with twin 6.2 L (320 HP) Bravo 3s. They claimed a top speed of 47 mph. I expected the 342 with twin 5.7 L (300 HP) Bravo 3s to have a top speed closer 40 or 42 mph. Is that overly optimistic?