Lithium Vs Lead Batteries
Looks like my house battery may need replacing. Seems to charge under shore power, but not fully. Used it on the water yesterday while tubing. It worked a few times, then would not turn over. Battery 1 is fine.
Anyone have experience with the lithium ion's? Are they worth the extra money?
Anyone have experience with the lithium ion's? Are they worth the extra money?
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
PC BYC, Holland, MI
@Dano....AGM Series 31. If you have a bit more money, the new Thin Plate AGM Series 31. If your battery charger will not adjust for AGM batteries, replace it as it's not that expensive and flooded house batteries are OLD technology. There is a LOT of discussion on batteries in this forum's archives. You may wish to search for it?
Lithium are great but waaay too expensive still. Their price will come down just like regular AGM and Thin Plate AGMs did. In the mean time ditch flooded - not enough longevity and take too long to recharge - go AGM.