A whole new era for Rinker. The other boat builders better sharpen their designs and pencils. Fantastic boats for really honest prices are coming. Watch out!
The open house has been a big hit the past couple of weeks. Many current and former Dealers have been to visit. Dealers coming back on board with all the excitement...P.S. - keep your eyes open for Rinker on the cover of a magazine!!!
That is really great! Doesn't look like I'll be making it either. Too much boating getting in the way this time of year. I'd love to see a dealer come back our way on the Chesapeake!
Need more Rinker dealerships in the Pacific NW. Sea Ray has the majority of the market up here and in my option over priced and over rated. There isn't really a solid second make up here so I know Rinker could dominate based on their quality and especially their pricing. Show the Pac NW some love Rinker.
Just coming out of 2 weeks of dealer meetings. Fantastic interest from all over the U.S. I'm not sure about specific leads in the Northwest, but we are open to referrals!
@wheatst - You guys should approach Hoffmaster's Marina in Woodbridge VA about adding Rinker to their lineup. This area needs a Rinker dealership to compete with the Sea Ray place in Woodbridge.
@wheatst...great news but no surprise! Everyone was holding their breath and praying that someone who knew boating and even better, Rinker's, would bring the company back. Looks to me like mission underway and soon to be accomplished!!!!!
@wheatst is it too late for Rinker to make it to the Sept boat show in Newport Beach CA in late Sept? If so you guys should seriously consider making It to the Seattle boat show in March of 2017. Not sure how long it's been since you have been represented out here but when I went to the one back in 2005 I left owning a new 250 FV. Lot of years ago and several boats ago. Hope to see Rinker represented out here soon.
@Tex68 I imagine it's been a long time since being at one of those shows and I don't believe that we have a dealer in those areas. The best way to get into a show quickly is to get a dealer that attends the show and then have them put our boats in and we share in the $$$.
@Tex68 As far as what we look for in dealerships is largely a relationship. We have to be a good fit for their needs and their markets' needs. There are requirements for them to be able to service the engines which most already have. Obviously, we want dealers who are going to represent the Rinker brand well to customers. We don't put dealers real close to one another so that they have a market that they can serve. There is no rocket science involved.
Unfortunately, I don't know them personally. I've only been to Hoffmaster's once - years ago, before I bought my first Rinker. I suggested them because:
* Great reputation, been in business 50 years, full-service marina. * Right down the street from the area's largest boat dealership. * The closest Rinker dealer is 50 miles from here (Newburg MD).
They currently sell Bennington, Chaparral and Cobalt. www.hoffmasters.com
I'd love to see one back on the Chesapeake Bay too! I know of two local dealers that have tried at least once (ours had it for many years and sold many boats and another one nearby tried for about a month or so).
Pittsburgh used to be a great market for Rinkers. Currently the Pittsburgh market is saturated with Sea Rays because it is the only major dealer around. If I could get a few investors, I would open a dealership.
2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes" Go Steelers!!!
My marine mechanic (yeah the someone who fixed me last Saturday) is thinking about carrying Rinker again....... Great news in the Boston area if he does.
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org raybo3@live.com
Personally, I'd like to see a better vetting process for Rinker dealers - I've dealt with 2 dealers here in the Chicago area and I was less than satisfied with them for various reasons - but mainly, my issue is that if they say they will get back to you "today" and then you don't hear from them for 3-4-5 days and only if I make another call, that's where we are going to have a problem. My perspective is that if I can't believe someone with something so simple as returning a phone call when promised, then how the heck can I trust them to fix something that may cost a bunch of boat bucks?? Of course this issue isn't only for Rinker dealers since I've dealt with this from other businesses but it sure makes one wonder. I'd like to see a Customer Feedback Form that you can fill out on the Rinker website to where you could discuss dealer interactions directly and privately with Rinker folks - for instance, like the thread where someone on our forum had a negative interaction with his dealer and vented about his unsatisfactory response to the issues with his new boat. If Rinker had a private feedback form, that issue could have been easily (and discretely) taken care of directly via Rinker, the Dealer and the owner. Much better outcome in that scenario for all involved plus, Rinker management would get a much better feel for the dealers that represent their boats.
Good ideas frodo. Respectfully suggest you forward them to @wheatst. It's expecting a lot to publicly flog a company on their forum then expect them to help you. I think your idea is much better.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
* Great reputation, been in business 50 years, full-service marina.
* Right down the street from the area's largest boat dealership.
* The closest Rinker dealer is 50 miles from here (Newburg MD).
They currently sell Bennington, Chaparral and Cobalt. www.hoffmasters.com
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!
My perspective is that if I can't believe someone with something so simple as returning a phone call when promised, then how the heck can I trust them to fix something that may cost a bunch of boat bucks?? Of course this issue isn't only for Rinker dealers since I've dealt with this from other businesses but it sure makes one wonder.
I'd like to see a Customer Feedback Form that you can fill out on the Rinker website to where you could discuss dealer interactions directly and privately with Rinker folks - for instance, like the thread where someone on our forum had a negative interaction with his dealer and vented about his unsatisfactory response to the issues with his new boat. If Rinker had a private feedback form, that issue could have been easily (and discretely) taken care of directly via Rinker, the Dealer and the owner. Much better outcome in that scenario for all involved plus, Rinker management would get a much better feel for the dealers that represent their boats.