Garmin BlueChart Moblie map updates?!

diggin2day1diggin2day1 Member Posts: 1,329 ✭✭✭✭
I have the BlueChart Mobile app on my iPad for about 2-3 years now. It's great for planning trips, setting up routes and waypoints and easily transferring them(via wifi or Bluetooth) to my 741xs.... BUT.... Why is there a map update approximates twice per year?! The current map update "Update for US Coastal v2016.0" is going to cost me another $29.99. The worst part is that there is no explanation as to what is being updated. Anyone have a clue as to what gets updated... I can never tell the difference yet I keep throwing my $30 at them?!?!


  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I found that very little data - that mattered - got up-dated DEPENDING on where you boat.

    I called Garmin and asked exactly that question. The answer was the same that I got two years later when talking to Navionics (although they did have 2 years of free up-grades)....they both said, for most areas there it little route data up-dating. It was more for the "extra" areas of the chip where members call-in with new information about marina, restaurant and destination changes.

    However, both said that in some areas, for example, with barrier islands - shifting ocean tides and storms can alter - to a dangerous extent - harbour entrances, big sand bars etc.  and in those geographic areas you should be up-dating your chip or at least marking the changes on your paper charts.

    A Coast Guard guy I know said. "Give us a call" - we have the latest up-dates on noteworthy data changes. If these have occurred I can tell you and then you can decide if you want to up-date your chip - or just mark it on your paper charts.

    BTW I took my paper charts (when they were brand new) - into a copy center and had them plasticized. I cut the borders off first (to make them smaller and easier to plasticize) and put my name on them along with any personal notes, then had them plasticized. With the plastic on them I could mark moorings and data changes on them with a grease pencil or marker and remove them later if I wanted to. The plasticization also kept water, wine and margarita spills off them!

  • diggin2day1diggin2day1 Member Posts: 1,329 ✭✭✭✭
    That's what I was figuring Michael.... The last time or two that I paid for the upgrade, I couldn't see any difference. They're not getting my $30 this time!!! Lol
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