Chart plotter, radar and weather overlay on my 310

Just finished installing a G

armin 7610xsv, XHD18 radar dome, GXM52 zm weather antenna and Standard horizon GX1300 radio in my 310. The chartplotter and radar are unbelievable. Real crisp colors and weather overlay is nice try to have. Replaced radio instead of sending it back to SH to clear mmsi number. I can see a suck fart from a mile out! Buffed and waxed the whole helm and it looks new. Before and after pics.

@gtyee...well I'm using "suck" fart from now on, why? ......because it just sounds so cool!
Love to see how great my former EC 310 looks.
Geez, even the hard top looks clean! I used to have one of the light weight girls at the marina go up on it and wash and wax it every year!
Beautiful Garmin set-up. Hope you get out to use it!
Looks like it's shimmed slightly forward.
*****Remember don't have your girls up on the front deck when it's running! However - DO send their boyfriends up there for a while with a beer, while it's running fully warmed-up.... sterilize the buggers!
P.S. Bet you're glad to have that Axius with that cement wall nearby!