Alpha one gen 2 question
so I noticed on this new to me boat aka first season that once in a while my star engine won't go into gear. I hear like a partial gear engagement feel and noise so then I take it out of gear and back in and it engages. This happens most of the time backing out in reverse but also in forward sometimes.
now this happens once in a blue moon bun it's concerning to me. Is there a adjustment that I can do myself?
now this happens once in a blue moon bun it's concerning to me. Is there a adjustment that I can do myself?
how do I make adjustments to it?
you're looking for a precise amount of slack. spin the barrel until you have it- it's between 9/16" and 5/8" if I recall correctly, but, look it up to be sure. it's a pretty tight tolerance, whatever it is..
maybe I need to be more swift with shifting Them alphas. I know people say you need to drop them in gear vs easy in.
i need adjust more detent on my shifter where it locks in reverse and fwd
As far as the Alpha goes, if its not going in reverse then 1 of 2 things is happening. Either the cables have stretched or the adjuster has slipped. Google how to adjust the cables, very simple to do. IF adjusting doesnt help, then replace the cables. THere are 2 cables. The cable going from engine to throttle is the easy one and it usually doesnt stretch. The cable going from engine to outdrive is a pain in the behind to change and it is the one that usually stretches