Cleaning stain from vinyl seat

So we just had our Rinker 342 delivered to us and apparently during transport a low hanging branch got hit. There were some leaves and such in the boat which wasnt any problem as there was no real damage but what i think was a pecan fell on one of the seats. I think it was a pecan in its green shell still. Well it was raining and the shell leaked some nasty coloring all into one of my seats.

I have tried simple green and also magic eraser. It has faded a little but even after some heavy elbow grease it still seems stained. Its not a surface stain either, it seems to have actually soaked into the vinyl. Any ideas what i can use to get it back to white?


  • randy56randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tough one, same as a leaf, it will leave a stain you cannot remove. I've never found anything. The sun will help over time. Congratulation's. Nice move up, you had 260 last time if I'm correct.
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  • brandonmayberrybrandonmayberry Member Posts: 226 ✭✭
    thanks for the response even though i was hoping for some miracle solution lol. Our last one was a 2000 242 which we now have the privilege of selling. Couldnt be happier with the 342 after only spending 2 days on it.
  • duane.mosleyduane.mosley Member Posts: 317 ✭✭✭
    i had a brown stain from a walmart bag that didn't fade over a year of sun exposure, i used fast orange hand cleaner with pumice and misted it with ammonia, let it sit for a minute or two and the scrub with a stiff bristle brush. it may not be a miracle cure for you, but it worked on ours. good luck and great uprgrade! the 342 is our target upgrade from our 250 as well. can't wait!
  • brandonmayberrybrandonmayberry Member Posts: 226 ✭✭
    i had read the handcleaner could work. Ill give it a shot!! Thanks!!
  • MDboaterMDboater Member Posts: 298 ✭✭✭
    You could try some bleach:water (1:2).  Rinse well after and don't wear anything that you don't mind getting bleach stains in.  Also, never mix bleach and ammonia.

  • MDboaterMDboater Member Posts: 298 ✭✭✭
    PS. Congrats on your new 342!!  And next time, when life gives you pecans, make pecan pie.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Make a paste poultice of Dutch Boy powdered cleaner and Purple Power. Cover it with a damp cloth and let it sit. You may want to try it on an unexposed area first to make sure it doesn't whiten it too much and that way you could also gauge the color change. Another thing that has worked for friends is a tooth paste (one with tooth enamel brightener) poultice. I would not scrub hard as that could leave a burnished mark on the vinyl. let the cleaners do the work. If scrubbing do it gently with lots of water to mitigate burnishing.
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