Rules for safe boating

LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,774 mod
Boating 101:

Try to stay in the middle of the water.  
Do not go near the edges of it.  The edges of the water can be recognized by the appearance of rocks, bridges, piers and other boats.  Boating there is much more difficult.

Keep your boat at a cruising altitude of zero.  If your cruising altitude falls below zero, you are sinking.  If above zero, you have run aground.  

Remember that in the ongoing battle between boats and rocks, the rocks have yet to lose. 

If the birds are walking, it is probably a bad day for boating.

It's better to be at home wishing you were on the water, than on the water wishing you were at home.

Never let a boat take you to a place that your brain didn't visit five minutes earlier.

Every new boater starts with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before emptying the bag of luck.


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