Keyswitch - Captiva 212 BR

HD2PctHD2Pct Member Posts: 13
Hi gang- I'm new to my boat. I had some light mechanical work done on it last week and when I went to take it out yesterday, I had a (mostly) dead battery. My key switch has a left-hand position (which likely activates some circuits though I don't know which), the off potion (where you need to go to remove the key), and then ignition and start to the right.

The mechanic had left my key in the switch turned to the left. I normally just keep it out altogether. Nothing was turned on up front, though (no blower, lights etc).

The generic Rinker manual I managed to locate has an electrical diagram but it really doesn't seem to cover that "left hand" position of that switch.

I'd trying to determine if leaving the key the way it was left could have contributed to the dead battery. This is more than an academic discussion 'cuz the same guys that worked on it want to charge me for a jumpstart (!)




  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2016
    The left position is normally an accessory position but in some cases may also energize the fuel pump. At any rate IMO there should be NO charge for starting your boat when IMO it was their oversight!
  • HD2PctHD2Pct Member Posts: 13
    Yeah I agree. I was just looking for a solid theory here. 
    BTW power is 1996 5.7 Merc. That fuel pump is probably engine-driven, but I could be wrong about that. 
  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,508 admin
    Accessory position could energize the stereo and amp. I am not to familiar with a 212. 
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
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