Tear in my rear bimini top. Any ideas how to fix that won't look bad or leak?

Hello all. I sustained a tear in my rear bimini top when the corner of a steel sign at a local lake St. Clair restaurant. Their hailing on channel 9 sign stuck out about 4 feet over the seawall and was the perfect height
to catch my canvas. I didn’t expect the sign to stick over the seawall as far as it did as I was parallel parking between boats. Its about 4 inches in length. I figured a patch would be in order but concerned on how it will look. Any other ideas or input out there? Thanks in advance.

Anthony Price
The Price is Right
MacRay Harbor, Harrison Twp., MI
The Price is Right
MacRay Harbor, Harrison Twp., MI
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"