Stereo upgrade on 2001 340 FV

I finally completed the purchase of my new (to me) 2001 340 FV and was able to spend last weekend on Lake Cumberland. Absolutely love the boat, but it is in need of some upgrades. One of the items on my list is to upgrade the Kenwood head unit, wired remotes and speakers. I have the old Kenwood with a cassette deck and CD changer, so it is pretty dated. I plan on sticking with Kenwood, since I want to be able to use the existing wires for the wired remotes. I have the older white oval remotes and would like to install the newer versions, however I am not sure on how to remove them. I know quite a few people have replaced these with the newer style, so I wanted to see if anyone had any advice on removing these? There is a subwoofer installed already, however I cannot seem to locate the amp. Does anyone know the location of the amp on this boat? I want to take a look at it and potentially replace it when I replace the sub. One last question, I would like to remove the CD changer, but I don't want a big hole on the bulkhead, any advice on what to do with that empty space?
this means new remotes and harness has to be ran.
i would stick with Ken wood if you want but pioneer and jl are my fav. Head unit can be none marine but speakers should be. But an amp it will bring speakers to life.
also remotes are optional now since Bluetooth is the kind and you can control it from anywhere in the boat.
I have 2 6.5 pioneers inside the cabin and 2 outside. Pioneer unit inside. I will be upgrading some more. 4 channel amp to run deck speakers and install tower speakers. One ten sub and it's all set .
bluetooth works great and I don't need the old remote.
The new kenwood units with bluetooth seem to have terrible range for BT. I returned the one I got along with the wired remotes..went with a clarion m505 and the RF wireless remote for it that floats! Couldn't be happier, the bluetooth still isn't what I'd call spectacular, but it at least lasts to the swim platform.
buy auto version head unit and you will have no issues
speakers always sound better with auto version but in this case we have to stick with marine because of the elements
wired in remotes at helm and swim deck will solve the issues with marine products.
now reason blue tooth had issues on a Kenwood product was either the head unit defect, music driver of choice or interference from other devices
head unit is mid cabin