Shore power and battery

I have a fiesta 250 (2004) I plugged in my shore power but does not light up my panel switch does not stat on no lights also attempted to start boat only makes a rapid clicking sound starter does not engage.  Is they a overload switch or breaker I should set


  • Cableguy GregCableguy Greg Member Posts: 5,033 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do you have shore power at 2 locations? Port and Startboard? If so, you have to make sure you are connected to the one that is selected. Sounds like your battery is dead.
    2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes"
    Go Steelers!!!
  • jiminy1946jiminy1946 Member Posts: 5
    Charged battery started engine. Still have no shore piwer
  • Cableguy GregCableguy Greg Member Posts: 5,033 ✭✭✭✭✭
    On the panel in the cabin, is there a switch stating "Generator, Port, Starboard?
    2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes"
    Go Steelers!!!
  • jiminy1946jiminy1946 Member Posts: 5
    Sorry no generator.
  • Liberty44140Liberty44140 Member Posts: 4,396 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is the shore power switch on at the dock? Most dock's have a breaker at the dock for the shore power outlet. 
    07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)

  • StodgeStodge Member Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭✭
    Might want to post a pic of your power panel.

    2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX

  • jiminy1946jiminy1946 Member Posts: 5
    Guys went back to boat removed and reconnect shore plug moved switch a lirrle and. The lights came on and it's on also Bastet charger
    i not going to question Why?
  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,511 admin
    Sounds like a loose connection witch could cause a problem. Make sure connections are not getting hot.
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
  • Dan4754Dan4754 Member Posts: 80 ✭✭
    I apologize for high jacking this thread but it has been a while since I've been here and forgot how to search or start a new thread.
    Just came from visiting my 2005 fiesta 250 after a few months of neglect. Nothing electrical works...blower, lights,etc.
    When I turn on shore power switch I get a green light and the gauge goes up to about 80. If I turn on any other breaker switch, the shore power light goes off and the gauge drops to zero. An example is...with the shore power on I then turn on the fridge...shore power light goes out andd the fridge does not go on. And, of course if I turn off the shore power breaker everything is dead.
    Where do I start looking?
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Where the cord is attached to the boat
  • duane.mosleyduane.mosley Member Posts: 317 ✭✭✭
    get a multi meter and start testing. make sure you have 110 going through your cord for starters. then start pulling your shore power input plugs apart and making sure you have good connections. definitely have a connection problem with only showing 80volts on the panel. it should jump to 110 when you flip the breaker.
  • Dan4754Dan4754 Member Posts: 80 ✭✭
    The shore power cord is attached on the port side (?)
    Of course I will test the plug connections as you suggest Duane, but shouldn't the gauge read like "pass,fail"? I mean power or no power. I don' t see how a connection can reduce the voltage.
    Also, isn't it kinda mysterious that all of the power drops and the light goes off when I turn another breaker on?
  • duane.mosleyduane.mosley Member Posts: 317 ✭✭✭
     does your 04' have a shore power connection on the stern? if so switch inputs to see if it works through the stern. my 06' 250 has a stern input as well as the port side.  you can have a bad connection on your port side input plug that could cause lower voltage. you could have a bad main breaker causing low voltage. if you have 100 strands of copper making up the wire and 75 of them are broke, the voltage will drop.  when you pull your  shore power input, be sure to have some 3m 5200 caulk to seal it back when your done.
  • Dan4754Dan4754 Member Posts: 80 ✭✭
    Ok...its a 2005, though.
    I understand the voltage drop but what explains the light going out and the voltage going to zero when I turn on something else?
  • StodgeStodge Member Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭✭
    Anything below 100v on the meter would be fail IMO.  Trick now is to find the problem (shore power source, cord, socket, panel) .

    2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX

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