resealing below water thru hull strainers / fittings - advice needed.

skennellyskennelly Member Posts: 2,196 ✭✭✭✭
The A/C thru hull in my 270 is leaking a little and I'm ending the season early to pull the boat out for the winter and start some fixes for next year.

What's the best way of going about removing and resealing these fittings?  Use 3M 5200 or 4200?

How should I break the existing fitting loose, if it's adhered pretty good?  I don't want to damage the hull.

I've heard some say you let the sealant set a bit before tightening down the fittings?  True?

I'm going to do both the A/C and head fittings.

Thanks in advance
2002 - 270FV Mag 350 B3


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