Rinker Review

This morning there was a pretty damaging review/feedback on a 2015 220 posted to the Rinker facebook page. I didn't see it personally but it was followed up by posts to the Rinker Boat Owners Facebook site as well.
It was quickly removed from the Rinker site but I wondered if anyone saw it and can shed light on what happened, etc.
It was quickly removed from the Rinker site but I wondered if anyone saw it and can shed light on what happened, etc.
This is all that's left....
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
The info was out there for awhile and I'm sure that Rinker has the other side to the story. Be nice to see Rinker provide their perspective so it doesn't seem so damaging, whatever it was.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
As for the dealers I can only speak to the one I have dealt with and I hope it's not typical. It's a big dealer but it's a dump, no parking, disorganized crap everywhere, with no communication. It's been a screw up with every activity I've needed their support on as it relates to parts, etc. The only time communication was good and frankly it was over the top was when I was looking at a new boat.
Buyer beware.
Last fall I purchased a Rinker MTX 220, a 2015 model. My wife and I were very excited about the boat. It was purchased late in the year, so we were unable to use it. We are anxiously waited till spring.
We were able to get our boat out for the five hour break in. Shortly after Mother's Day. It's a slow process as most of you know.
After the first couple of hours when we were able to put the RPMs over 3000. The boat would only do 15 miles an hour.
Our dealer immediately came and got the boat and discovered that it had been shipped with the improper prop.
This was the week before memorial weekend and it took until the following weekend to be repaired. The boat was tested with only one person in the boat and seemed to perform fine.
We continue to break in. The boat had a difficult time planimg out and rode extremely rough. But it was a new boat and my background was in V-drive ski boats. So we took it out again the next weekend.
The boat literally beat us to death going down the lake, my wife actually said that she was going to have to buy a swimming suit with a better more supportive bra cup, because it hurts so badly.
The Next weekend we tried to pull a two were too young middle school boys in it. We had four other people in the boat. We had to move three of them to the bow of the boat in order to plane the boat out in tow the tube.
I am mediately called the boat dealer. They started making inquiries with Rinker.
This was about a week or so before July 4
I was not very patient, as you can imagine I was very frustrated by this point.
When answers were not coming fast enough through the distributor, I started calling Rinker. The fourth time I called, I finally talk to the accounting manager, who promised the right person would call me. However, he failed to mention that they were closing the entire week after Fourth of July .
During that week I called the local Rinker dealer and got some tests to run. I recorded all of these tests, including videos. The boat would almost stand up on end when you accelerated. Literally we had to have three or four people in the bow to even attempt to pull a tube, I wake boarder or skier was out of the question.
I did receive a phone call from the right person at Rinker, After the factory reopened.It was obvious that he thought it would be a nuisance call, but he did at least listen.
I sent him the videosmy wife had taken of the boat. I literally could not see over the top of the boat without standing up and even then it was difficult when we try to take off from Idol.
Things move pretty quickly for a short time. They came and got my boat, I don't know what they did but currently it runs fine. As it should have what it was shipped.
This took until almost the end of July. Had I not been a very squeaky wheel and raised ****. The problem may not be fixed to this day. As it was, it took two thirds of the boating season in Indiana to get the boat fixed.
I have tried numerous times to contact Rinker president, Kim Slocum. I feel I am duecompensation for the mess that was delivered, I purchased a new boat and should not of had to go through all of this.
I have sent numerous emails and left more than one voicemail, she has failed to even give me the courtesy of a return email or phone call.
The dealer I purchased the boat from has also talk to her personally about this. He has not been able to get information. When I last talked to him right after Labor Day. He was very surprised that I had not yet been contacted and made whole by Rinker.
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to raise a stink in this matter. It is very sad that the customer service at Rinker is so poor, that I matter that has been brought to the presidents attention, receives no attention from the company. I am thoroughly disappointed with my experience. I cannot possibly tell you how many hours and how much effort it took to get this boat repaired.
It had come to the point where my wife and I have decided just to trade the boat and take a loss if it could not be fixed. The dealer we purchased it from was there with us the whole time and is just as frustrated as we are, that Rinker is not back up their products better.
Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!
If I bought a car, and there was a problem I'd expect it to be fixed. I would not expect a check for my "pain and suffering".
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Go Steelers!!!
What types problems should be handled by the dealer vs boat manufacturer vs engine/drive manufacturer?
Is it not standard to do a test ride with the dealer at the time of purchase? It sounds like this problem would have been identified immediately by an experienced opetator. The one time I bought a new boat, the dealer took me out for a test drive and went over all of the major systems.
Go Steelers!!!
Also so clearly not a guy to do an ounce of research, ask anyone questions, etc. Stated he didn't know what they did but it was running good now?? Really? After all that you don't make it a point to find out what was done, why, by whom? Good lord...
But seriously. If the boat had the wrong prop, that's either (1) a quality control issue at the factory, OR (2) the dealership needed a prop and stole one from this guy's boat. (Don't laugh, it happens all the time.) But the dealership made it right within a week.
Then the buyer used the boat for two weeks before starting to make phone calls -- by which time the factory was closed for the holiday. OK, unfortunate timing.
As soon as the factory reopened, Rinker fixed the problem. But the guy continues to gripe and pitch a stink because he feels entitled to "due compensation." How is he "due" any compensation other than fixing the problem?
Carmel IN - the highest per capta income town in the state.
Indianapolis IN -10 miles away population 1 million.
Nearest body of water to Carmel, Morse Res. 1500 acres, very small way over populated with boats. always a rough place, never flat.
Big boobs bounce more.