hard sliding cabin door, 2005 270

rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2016 in General Boating Discussions
I have tried to tackle this a couple of times...my list of stuff to fix since purchased is getting much smaller, this door, the TV and a battery issue still plague me but I will start separate threads. I did get my boat on the water yesterday-bad coupler from July was fixed a few weeks back and finally had time-went great!

So, lets talk about this door.... Again, my boat is a 270- I see this same basic design on smaller and larger boats. The track is not a real great design. If the boat deck were completely flat I'm sure it would work great- and perhaps since I have a 270 that slight curve may be more pronounced. This boat had 100 hours on it when purchased so it's not worn out. I wish I could take it out and start over but you'd have to remove the window and the helm so that ain't happening...

Here is what I have done. I also have a good mooring cover and a new full enclosure so I can leave the door apart for a bit if need be so I'm ready to fix it, I have never had to use the latch you flip over to keep it open- I'd like to!

First attempts were pretty weak. I went through where I can get at track screws and tightening them up. Seem to make it worse- I had opened up the helm inspection plate and even behind the gauges. Next stab at it, I was able to remove the bottom track, the "truck" the door rides on.  On the top, it has best I can recall, a rectangular piece that has two screws to secure it to the top edge of the door. There is nothing obviously wrong with anything. I could not remove the door itself as you just can't work it out but unless there is something miss formed with the door not an issue in fixing it. I actually went back and backed off the screws and it worked a little better for a while.

So I think I will get my enclosure up so I can tear into it again. The one thing I did do I won't do again is grease it- just created a trough to collect all sorts of manner.

I want to get the enclosure up today and get it back apart.  I have three I guess pretty obvious areas I want to look at. It is REALLY hard to slide, there is a noise, hard to describe, but like a screw scratching/digging into something some where but I can't find it. It may be something stuck underneath the "truck" that rides on the bottom track but have had it all apart. The door stays flat and seems to stay in the right position- something is binding or catching.

I think at least the bottom track should be shimmed to keep it parallel with the top track as best as possible. It looks like the way it works, that lower "truck" is held in place by the weight of the door so it seems pretty forgiving. I think somehow the track position and that little piece that holds the top corner of the door together is where the bind is. That might solve the entire problem. 

Next, @Michael T had described something similar and he found, the "truck" needed a little rework as I understood him. The "truck" as I can recall pretty simple- a chassis that holds to door on the one side and then there were two (maybe three) balls that it rode on that goes back and forth on the track. On his, that chassis was dragging on the track so he cut down some of that material so it moved smoothly so want to look at that.

I also want to look at the top track sliding piece. It seems there would have to be one at each end of the door but maybe that little "truck" is supposed to really do the work and the top is only a "guide" piece or pieces.

Will take a few days to try a couple of things but sounds like a fairly common issue. I have not seen any real solutions on here. I will be anxious to see if others have fixed this before! 


  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My best friend is silicone spray. I use it on every track, snap and zipper.
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is something more...something is binding. Got the cover up but had to leave- looked at it and some thing is dragging or binding the top left corner...i'll figure it out!\
  • TrashmanTrashman Member Posts: 432 ✭✭✭
    Ras, do you notice a slight horizontal scratch across the front of the hatch?  There's a piece of plastic inside the helm behind the gauges.  It warps a little and you may have to adjust this if its rubbing. It happened on my 270  Also, the wheels on the bottom may be wiped out.  
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Trashman thanks for the info.....I got out there after dark last night as I could not see very well in the light. I was able to see pretty clearly on either side of the door and I do not see anything rubbing on the door. What I did conclude, the track on the bottom does need to have some shimming as when you slide the door open, you can see the end of the track "fall" due to the curve of the boat and there is nothing under there supporting it up. I have had the track out and there are not as I recall any screws even holding it down far to the right and you can only reach in there so far. Also, I don't think the wheels are trashed as the boat just have not been used that much- I have had that out and apart thinking something stuck in the track or up underneath the "truck"for the door- they looked ok to me and the "truck" does not drag on the track from being "worn". I did also notice, there are two "guides" on the top at either end of the door- the one on the left side looks dug and worn into the track so I think that is where my binding is coming from and I assume the bottom track not being kept level had caused the guide or guides on the top to wear.  So, hopefully tonight I will take it all apart, finding some what to determine how much shim I need and I have some material I can remake the guids on the top. We will see! It kind of opens OK and closes OK when the door is nearly closed it's when it goes to the far right it feels like it wants to be stuck there.
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, here are at least my results so far. I got the top left guide out and peered down the track to see what I could see- on the guide in the rear, a screw that was supposed to go into the guide was actually out side the trac and that was the noise I heard. That should help. I have the lower track out and from the bending it does because of the curve of the boat and nothing supporting it, it must have bent some and the direction of the bend has closed up the track in a certain spot so I think once I open that back up and put some support under the track at the end for the curve of the hull, I will be golden! What a PITA to get to all this...they sure don't make it with the idea of replacing that door, that's for sure. It's pretty solid and I'm sure will take a beating. I wish I could add a screen!
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2016

    Ras, I have seen screens added to a lot of boats. There are probably reasonable ways to attach Velcro in hidden areas inside the door frame and have the matching velcro sewed onto a piece of fiberglass screen. Another way might be to glue some metal strips inside the frame and use fiberglass screen with a magnetic strip around it?

    With all the work you have done that should be a piece of cake!

    BTW I like your solution regarding the track itself. I couldn't reach far enough into mine so I had to modify the front truck - the one on the starboard side. Like you said, it was a big job.....and I was told to replace the door the port side of the helm has to come off. That would be nasty.

  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    Well! I'm surprised at my results at looking at the track. I looked at the track for bending and I have a pretty good eye for that and it looks fine. I ran a tape measure down the channel opening for the length of it expecting to find tight spots and it runs pretty sure so nothing looks bent or warped. So, I'm running the door side part up and down the track and I put some weight into it and I can feel the sticking both at the way open position and then about 6 inches in the almost closed start to drag...and hard. So, I am looking at the roll of the two balls underneath. I think what is happening is they get to the end of their travel as there are blocks underneath to keep the balls separated, and they are dragging along the track instead of rolling. So, I will lubricate after a good cleaning, assume the screw on the top is the main problem and with some lubrication I guess it will slide better. I'm still going to put something under the end of the track under the helm as it is flexing about a quarter of an inch which can't be good. I'm sure it is a economical widely use design but kind of weak. There should be some sort of roller fixed to the door itself and not the willy nilly balls underneath!
    Post edited by rasbury on
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    well final result not what I wanted....with the bottom track completely loose, moves very easily- when I screwed down the lower track it becomes more difficult to slide. So, I guess it is what it is. There is nothing there to really lubricate- the balls on the bottom ride along two very thin rails and the top pretty much the same except on a neopreme like material-very little surface drag area and really not much of it you can get to. It is better than it was. The admiral really has been anoyed and hopefully it will pass muster.
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