You should use de-natured alcohol, found at most marine supply stores, camping stores and RV stores. You want de-natured as it does not give off smoke which will be harmful in an enclosed environment.
Denatured alcohol is ethanol with chemical additives, often methanol, to dissuade consumption. Grain alcohol (such as Everclear) is just ethanol. Full combustion of alcohols produce carbon dioxide and water. Partial combustion of alcohols produce carbon dioxide and water as well as carbon (black soot) and carbon monoxide. Ethanol has a higher energy content than methanol and isopropyl alcohol but a lower energy content that propanol. If you use Everclear for fuel then be sure to use the 95% ABV (190 proof) version now sadly prohibited in some states.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express