Rafting Etiquette/Private moorings

In anticipation of extending out my boating boundaries next season I thought I would throw this out to the group. Having one of the smaller day boats out there, I have only sailed around my Bay, find some coves,drop anchor and chill for a few hours. There are always unused mooring balls where I go and often wondered it it was ok just to tie up to them for a bit instead of always getting the anchor out. I would never leave the boat unattended but I did it once this summer and it felt awkward the whole time there(not relaxed at all). Do owners of these moorings expect this to happen on a regular basis? Moorings are place all over the Bay in the good spots and not always in use.
Secondly, there are some islands/towns I want to get to next season that are quite popular in Mahone Bay (Big Tancook and Chester). I looked on google earth and noticed most boats were doubled up on the Government wharf. Being a popular place to go for an afternoon chances of finding a spot to tie up could be slim. Is it ok to just tie up next to someone else? Or if I had a spot and came back to my boat should I be ticked that someone has tied up to me and nowhere in sight?
I feel in both cases I am interfering with someone elses experience so I limit myself to where I go. Don't want to have boating rage out there to ruin a day on the water. Would appreciate feedback of what to do/not to do for next season.
Secondly, there are some islands/towns I want to get to next season that are quite popular in Mahone Bay (Big Tancook and Chester). I looked on google earth and noticed most boats were doubled up on the Government wharf. Being a popular place to go for an afternoon chances of finding a spot to tie up could be slim. Is it ok to just tie up next to someone else? Or if I had a spot and came back to my boat should I be ticked that someone has tied up to me and nowhere in sight?
I feel in both cases I am interfering with someone elses experience so I limit myself to where I go. Don't want to have boating rage out there to ruin a day on the water. Would appreciate feedback of what to do/not to do for next season.
Go Steelers!!!
My understanding of anchoring etiquette/rules is that it's first come first serve and, when anchoring, you must provide for enough room between your boat and the existing boats so that the existing boats can swivel on their anchor rode in all directions without hitting your boat.
Given that, I would not hesitate to anchor as close as I want to an unattended mooring. If the mooring owner arrived I don't believe that I would be under any obligation to move. Other's thoughts? Is it the understanding that a mooring holds your anchoring spot?
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express