Photo category
Member Posts: 178 ✭✭✭
Hey Boomer.......
I kind of miss the category for photos. I really like looking at peoples photos. Without a category a lot of people like myself don't put photos up if it does not relate to the topic. Just wondering if this can be possible. I am really liking this forum an appreciate all the work and time you and Ray are putting into this.
Again THANK YOU, RAY AND STEVE for making this such a good site.
You have to love the water....
Len & Robyn 342 FV Freebird
Best Answers
Dream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,671 modIf you wanted, I'm sure you could just start a topic for now with photos. But maybe we can get Steve to add a category for photos.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express