2006 300 EC Wiring Diagram(s)?
Getting prepared for Spring and want to go through the wiring in engine compartment for better understanding of things.
Diagram Request #1: I'm not for sure if there are any issues but some things seem odd...diagrams from battery switch panel including House Systems breaker(s) down to bus bars and eventually the battery connections is desired as I think some of the loads are combined that shouldn't be.
Diagram Request #2: Boat doesn't have a genny, but appears to be wired for it as the breaker is in place inside cabin on distribution panel. Thinking about purchase of a smaller 2000w inverter and changing out the existing batteries to 31 series AGM.I would like to know which wires in the large bundle going around bulkhead would be used so I can tie the inverter into this.
Diagram Request #3: As well, I currently have 1 house and 2 starting batteries. Plan would be to replace all 3 of these as described above, and place a 2nd 31 series AGM for the house/inverter supply. I'm pretty sure that is an easy addition. Planning to upgrade the charger from present 30 amp to a newer unit designed for AGM charging. What would be the recommendation; should I keep inverter and charger separate or go to a combined unit?
We have a Sam's Club close by and their AGM batteries come with some recommendations and will probably be my choice. Budget is around $2,500 for batteries, charger, and inverter and installation.
I have read through most every thread on this forum and am finding all the information very useful! There have been some topics above covered but not to the degree of my needs.
Any help and/or suggestions is appreciated! Thanks!
As far as your charger goes, Progressive Dynamics makes a nice charger. Their new chargers are programmable for AGM, Lead Acid and Gel Cell batteries. The PD2120 or PD2130 would both work great.
Go Steelers!!!
Thanks @Cableguy Greg; that information about the wiring is exactly what I was looking for! I'm pretty sure that's where the genny would sit on this boat.
And I have a PD charger. pretty sure it is a 30 amp unit. It is not programmable for different types of batteries, but after speaking with PD on their helpline they give me comfort using this charger for AGM will be ok. Their rates seem acceptable to standard AGMs.
And @frenchship came through today with a source for all wiring diagrams. I have since had contact with this individual and received the complete set; very nice and a big thanks to him!
The only thing remaining is to figure out the wiring diagram for the 2nd house bank battery. Pretty sure this will be easy but if anyone has a pic of their battery bank with 2 starting batteries and 2-battery house bank I would appreciate it! I am wiring to a stock 3-wire isolator.
Has been a great day for information! Cheers to you all!
Go Steelers!!!
Thanks @frenchship.
I have seen this before and I intend to use this method. I am looking for some more information showing the whole scenario: want to see + and - wires to batteries (1 port start, 1 starboard start, and 2-battery house bank), isolator, charger, to-be-installed inverter, and switches.
If anyone can provide this I would be most thankful!
I'm not looking to install a very large inverter; only 1,800 or 2,000 watt unit. Fully aware of your installation with the Honda unit; quite clever....but not what I'm looking for. Want a simple "flip the switch" setup for minimal needs. Battery bank will be a pair of series 31AGM batteries as I have stated. Just want some 110v convenience while overnighting on the hook.
I have the stock isolator already in play and am aware of the functionality of the device; but thanks for the video.
Guess I will figure this out with assistance of a marina if nobody has any pics.
Thank you for your help so far @frenchship!
No @srlaman I haven't.
This next weekend I hope to uncover her and get started on some items.
I thought of the combo unit you are suggesting. Existing charger will seemingly be adequate for charging I am told. Once on boat I need to verify it is a 30 amp and if so I will leave it and purchase just an inverter.
If you have stock isolator, stock charger, existing house battery, and existing starter battery 12v wiring should remain the same with connections/disconnects I believe. But I know how you feel "wanting to see" how it is done.
I will be employing a professional when I change out and add the 2nd house battery and hook up the inverter. With all of the possibilities of wiring something incorrectly it will give me peace of mind.
Good luck to you!