New/Old Rinker owner introduction - 202 Festiva

Hello all,
So my wife and I got married in 1996 and used our wedding gift money to put a down payment on a 1993 202 Festiva Cuddy. We lived in North Idaho at the time and used it for several years. Sold it in 2001 when we moved away from the area. For the last few years I have been casually searching on craigslist in that same area and lo and behold there she was!!! I couldn't believe it. After all these years someone was selling what was left of our beautiful boat. The 4.3 engine had apparently seized and someone took it apart but never got back to fixing it. They took out the interior as well for some reason and lost most of it somewhere. Long story short, my cousin just picked it up for us yesterday in the snow and got it to his house. It's going to be a nice sentimental rebuild. I'd love to put a V8 in since I remember it being a bit underpowered. So here we are again proud owners of our Rinker!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!
Hello all!
Well I finally got to lay eyes on my Rinker over Labor Day weekend. We hadn't seen it in 16 years. My wife and I flew to Spokane to see it and move it to some inside storage. I was very pleased to see that the gel coat isn't in that bad of shape actually. I'll have make a couple of chip repairs and then I think it will all buff out just fine. I was also overjoyed that the floor is rock solid. It must have been stored inside all this time. So just a motor and interior and away we go. Sure will be a lot cheaper than a new one!
I just got an e.mail late last night from a friend saying that he heard it was for sale. The Admiral said "Go for it". I'm in Aruba right now but if it's still available when I get home maybe we can both post pictures of "labor of love restorations" Ha Ha!
@202Festiva picture the progress.