Rinker Quality After 2010. Any Change?

All - I am looking a privately sold 2011 276 BR with 8.1 motor/70 hrs/arch. A dealer has a used 2015 and 2016 (one with regular 350 one with new 6.2 350). The dealer is telling me after 2010 Rinker quality started to go down (lower quality vinyl and interior components, along with a different process to care for the molds before each boat is sprayed). He says this was caused by change in management during that time but quality got better in recent years. He also said the new 6.2 350 mag performs similar to the older 8.1 big block. Any thoughts? I appreciate your feedback.
We are selling our 2008 246 BR (330 hrs) that we have been VERY happy with.
I'd go for the 2011 if its a lot less $$ and optioned really well.
I can't really say on quality from year to year, as I am a new owner to Rinker myself...