Battery Charger

stgeorgestgeorge Member Posts: 3
I bought a 1997 Rinker fiesta vee 240 yesterday. It has been well looked after, but the previous owner said he used a car battery charger to charge the battery. He wasn't aware that maybe it would charge when on shore power. Would this be fitted with a charger, is there an easy way I can find out? If it has I will get my multi meter on it and see if it is working. Many thanks, this could be my first question of many, as I gain knowledge I'm hoping to help others in the future! Regards, James


  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,511 admin
    Never use a car charger on a boat. A car charger is not shielded and can cause galvanic corrosion. Use a marine grade charger........
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
  • WillhoundWillhound Member Posts: 4,215 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2017
    Welcome to the forum stgeorge. If there is an on-board charger it should be easy to identify. It will be a rectangular shaped box, usually around 8 x 10 inches, or a little more or little less, with cables/wires leading from it to your battery(ies). Usually marked with something like 5/5 or 6/6 etc. if twin bank, to show the charging amps per side or bank. Common brand names might be Marinco, Guest, Pro-Charge etc.
    It would be mounted usually in the engine compartment somewhere near the batteries, or between the electrical panel/shore power feed and the batteries. If there is none, it's not a difficult or overly expensive thing to add.
    Here are a couple of links to common ones to give you an idea what they might look like:
    "Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
    2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
  • planesailingplanesailing Member Posts: 173 ✭✭
    I've got a 242 and my charger is located in the aft cabin
  • stgeorgestgeorge Member Posts: 3
    All your replies are very much appreciated. I have had a good look, and I can't find one. It appears it might not be fitted with one, I certainly could not spot one in the engine compartment, though we were distracted with trying to fix a broken pump. I will search again. My intention is to fit a 30 amp Marine charger, though on my budget I appear not to get a choice if waterproof units available in the US, being based in Malta I will get one sent from the UK. Not being waterproof (though marine) I wasn't sure if the engine compartment was the best place? There is not a great deal of info on the 240 compared to other models, I am unsure of location. Engine compartment clearly the easiest option, but I wasn't sure if there was another location. I'll be honest I have no idea how to run cables, though will start looking at that as well as I have to fit a fish finder. I have a big list of things to do, including putting it on the UK register which is tricky when not in the UK, so as said I appreciate the guidance! I'll look in the aft cabin, I'm guessing the 240 is similar to the 242. 
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Would there not be a breaker for if it if one was there?
  • stgeorgestgeorge Member Posts: 3
    Could well be. I'm just getting familiar and the very decent previous owner was fixing a few things that cropped up in the sea trial. I was sort of surprised it didn't have one, just assumed it would. He used very little electrical kit, putting his beers in a cool box not the fridge, so he doesn't know much about the electrics. I'm fitting a 26" TV, 4G router and IPTV so will be needing a lit more charge than an hour or two from the engine! The only obvious breakers I saw where two in the galley, a 16 amp and 32 amp I just assumed were mains, and a 40 amp near the shore power, plus cockpit switches where the only aftermarket one is for the macerator pump (that is in bits and high on my list to replace). As mentioned by Willhound I will look for one of those brands. I'm thinking the general lack of a decent charge might have caused issues with the 2 year old battery as well, I will no doubt find out. 

  • howardramshowardrams Member Posts: 223 ✭✭✭
    My old '92 Fiesta Vee when you were plugged into shore power and hit the "main" breaker the converter would kick on and you could hear it humming.  It was in the engine compartment and was standard on all Fiesta Vees.  They all charge the batteries unless someone altered your wiring.  Of course the new models the converter/chargers are bigger and have digital displays, etc.
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