Intermittent issue...kill switch? Ignition switch?
2003 Captiva 232: 350 MAG/Bravo 3
We took the boat out for its first yearly shakedown run over the weekend, and encountered a issue that I'll do my best to explain. While running across the water, the boat will intermittently lose power, to what seems like the ignition. We were running 40 mph, and the boat just acted like I turned the key off, and back on, real fast. When it does this, I also get the same single tone you get when you turn the key to on. So it's literally like I turn the key off and on, very rapidly. I have noticed when it happens, the radio continues to play, as if nothing happened. The engine actually momentarily loses power, as you can feel the boat lurch forward, and then it immeadeatly takes back off again. At one point, I was idling up to the beach, and it just died and gave me the single tone, and the engine didn't pick back, which I assume is because I was idling. During this, the radio never stopped.
While out on the water, I jiggled the ignition switch, and I also jiggled the kill switch lever, just to see if I could find something to trigger it, but came up with nothing.
So, since I'm getting the same tone as I get when the key is turned to "ON," where is that tone generated from? Does it come straight from the ignition switch, or is it somewhere off the coil, or where???? My plan was to just replace the ignition switch first, since it's cheap, and see if that fixes it. Any thoughts on this?
We took the boat out for its first yearly shakedown run over the weekend, and encountered a issue that I'll do my best to explain. While running across the water, the boat will intermittently lose power, to what seems like the ignition. We were running 40 mph, and the boat just acted like I turned the key off, and back on, real fast. When it does this, I also get the same single tone you get when you turn the key to on. So it's literally like I turn the key off and on, very rapidly. I have noticed when it happens, the radio continues to play, as if nothing happened. The engine actually momentarily loses power, as you can feel the boat lurch forward, and then it immeadeatly takes back off again. At one point, I was idling up to the beach, and it just died and gave me the single tone, and the engine didn't pick back, which I assume is because I was idling. During this, the radio never stopped.
While out on the water, I jiggled the ignition switch, and I also jiggled the kill switch lever, just to see if I could find something to trigger it, but came up with nothing.
So, since I'm getting the same tone as I get when the key is turned to "ON," where is that tone generated from? Does it come straight from the ignition switch, or is it somewhere off the coil, or where???? My plan was to just replace the ignition switch first, since it's cheap, and see if that fixes it. Any thoughts on this?
Also if you have an ignition switch breaker check it.