Items for sea trial checklist

Delivery and sea trial of the 2000 FV270 we've been waiting on is finally happening Wednesday morning. I can't wait. I haven't been this excited since I was a kid at Christmas. In an effort to keep my head about me, I've put together a bit of a checklist of things to inspect, test and trial. The first four are items that were already identified by the shop and/or the survey. They put a small scratch in the gel coat down near the keel when they moved it around the shop, they had promised to clean up the drive and re-paint with proper zinc chromate primer and paint, their mechanic spotted that the temperature sending unit needed changing and there was a small leak in the line from between the out-drive oil tank reservoir and the transom fitting. The rest of the items are what I came up with just thinking about it from bow to stern to make sure all on-board systems are working. Especially the pricey stuff that I wouldn't want to have to fix myself. A new fridge for this thing is over a Grand. So is the power windlass.
Anything else I might have missed, besides the obvious of course, like no water rushing in anyplace ?
Anything else I might have missed, besides the obvious of course, like no water rushing in anyplace ?
Rinker Delivery Checklist
Gel-coat/scratch on keel
Drive clean-up and paint
Temp Sending unit
Drive Oil Line Leak
Power Spotlight
Power Anchor Windlass
Nav Lights
Galley Sink
Head Sink
Head Flush
Shower Drain/Sump/Discharge/Sea ****
Transom Shower
Water Heater
Gauges and Indicator lights/beeps
Engine Compartment/Hoses/Batteries/Oil Levels
Bilge Pumps
Trim Tabs
Drive Trim
Engine Compartment Blowers
RPM/Planing Speed
The second part of my question is what is the standard practice if any of these items need attention? I guess it goes back to the shop/dealer for correction? If it was something minor I suppose they could fix it on site, but not sure how that fits with the marina as they also have their own on-site mechanic. We are launching and doing the trial out of the marina where the boat will be docked, so if everything is good, it's just staying there.
The dealer has re-assured me that they've gone all over it as a PDI process that they run on all their deals. They deal only in previously owned inventory. They are not a manufacturer or new dealer representative. So they live and die by the quality of their delivered product and they have a good reputation in the area. But of course I'm still nervous. Been a boater/fisherman/outdoors guy all my life. But first cruiser.
Anything else?
The second part of my question is what is the standard practice if any of these items need attention? I guess it goes back to the shop/dealer for correction? If it was something minor I suppose they could fix it on site, but not sure how that fits with the marina as they also have their own on-site mechanic. We are launching and doing the trial out of the marina where the boat will be docked, so if everything is good, it's just staying there.
The dealer has re-assured me that they've gone all over it as a PDI process that they run on all their deals. They deal only in previously owned inventory. They are not a manufacturer or new dealer representative. So they live and die by the quality of their delivered product and they have a good reputation in the area. But of course I'm still nervous. Been a boater/fisherman/outdoors guy all my life. But first cruiser.
Anything else?
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Best Answer
J3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
you said fridge, but make sure you can actually turn the temp dial.. my guy F'd me over on that one..
let's see what else.
Verify that the all around anchor light stays lit even if you touch the power wires near the throttle/gear shifter..
beep the horn, make sure it's loud.
verify all running lights work.
Check oil before and after running it..
Look at the power steering fluid level
Check the drive gear oil resivour..
- check for AC system leak
- check for any water at all in mid bilge area and track water accordingly
- any water in rear bilge needs to have an explanation.
I can appreciate you have your own leakage issues right now.
No AC/Heat or Generator, so those items not on the list. Wish I had them, but less to look after too. Will for sure pay attention to any water where it shouldn't be.
And roger on the hot water. Will test on A/C power and from engine heat.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)