Replacing engine throttle remote control and cables - advice needed

Changing out the defective OEM Mercury control box (neutral button sticks) p/n 87770 A13 for the current Mercury 4500 Gen II throttle mount with new gear cables on my FV270. Any and all advice is appreciated. If possible, include pix and/or links. Thanks in advance!
If your going to do something, do it now. Tomorrow is too late.
Dang.., I spent $379 + tax
The old setup used a 4 prong plug (red, green, blue & purple) which controls the trailering function (up and down) of the engine; located under the lever grip.
However, the new remote uses a 3 prong plug (red, green & blue). I matched up the colors, except for the purple wire which was attached to blue. The remote will now lower the the engine, but will not lift it.
Any suggestions, besides the beer I drank, before I go back to experimenting?
Any and all suggestions are welcomed... thanks in advance!
Mercury Gen II Throttle Remote control and Gen II gear capable replacement project complete. It felt awesome to feel that 350 roar!
This site kicks arce - the information lives here, you just gotta do the research
Are those the same lengths for yet boat?
The original OEM engine throttle remote control was recalled because .... Well, read it yourself here:
Just some background stuff.... It only has to happen to you once ( being stuck on the water w/o power ... drifting with the current b/c your boats transmission was stuck in neutral), before you replace your engine throttle control.