Leak in Drive Oil Reservoir system

When I found our new to us 2000 FV270 the dealer had already noted that there was a leak in the drive oil reservoir line somewhere in the engine compartment. They suggested that the Bravo III system is notorious for it, but usually just a fitting or line issue. As part of pre-delivery they supposedly "fixed" what they thought was a loose fitting at the tank. After the first initial sea trial we noticed the tank had dropped about a half an inch from the full line which we attributed to air in the system working its' way out and topped it up. A second run of about 30 minutes a few days later, and no visible drop in the oil level. Went for a real good run of about an hour the other day, mostly at 3400 RPM and up, so working the drive pretty good. As part of my pre-operational check I noted that the reservoir was still at the full line, but another check after the run and it was all the way down to the add line. Not sure how much oil that represents, but at least a few ounces I'm sure. I did note some oil in the bilge and could also smell that maybe some oil was hitting the manifolds and burning off. I don't see any oil slick at the transom, although I guess it's possible that if a prop seal was leaking while under drive pressure, it might not leak much while stationary?
Weather has been nasty, but as soon as I can I'll wipe everything down, check what I can for leaks, top up the tank again, try another run, and see what happens. I'm hoping that the fitting has just come loose again, or something minor that I can easily fix. BUT......
If it is leaking somewhere on the "wet" side, is there anything else I can look for, short of hauling the boat and checking the drive oil at the foot? Would I see any signs of water siphoning back into the tank? (oil in the tank is good, no froth, no discolouration.) Is it possible that it's still just air working it's way out of the system?
A search here and elsewhere shows that it's a consistent issue, but ranging all the way from a leaky o-ring or fitting at the tank, to "oh my god, my drive bearings are shot"... so it's got me concerned.
Weather has been nasty, but as soon as I can I'll wipe everything down, check what I can for leaks, top up the tank again, try another run, and see what happens. I'm hoping that the fitting has just come loose again, or something minor that I can easily fix. BUT......
If it is leaking somewhere on the "wet" side, is there anything else I can look for, short of hauling the boat and checking the drive oil at the foot? Would I see any signs of water siphoning back into the tank? (oil in the tank is good, no froth, no discolouration.) Is it possible that it's still just air working it's way out of the system?
A search here and elsewhere shows that it's a consistent issue, but ranging all the way from a leaky o-ring or fitting at the tank, to "oh my god, my drive bearings are shot"... so it's got me concerned.
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Will keep a close eye on it of course.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Sometimes these seals fail just because of age. Other times you have a vibration in the drive, which is never good. I had to replace my upper yoke on the drive last year. Fortunately i caught it early before i really screwed something up in the drive.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I've already had a couple of chats with the mechanic at my marina about doing a complete service in the fall to include bellows, seals, gimbal bearing, shift cables and new anodes and mercathode. Feels he can do it for between $1500 to $2000 which I think sounds about right. So I'm thinking that might be the direction I'll go.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Go Steelers!!!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Next step is to pull the drive which we've been trying to avoid. It does seem that perhaps the leak is happening after running for at least an hour and the drive is maybe heating up and pressurizing?
One option that has been mentioned is to pull the drive and simply cap the system off. Not sure I'm comfortable with that, although plenty of drives don't have a reservoir system and I have heard of it being done.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Have the mechanic scheduled to meet me at the marina on Thursday with a trailer to pull the boat. The shop seems convinced that it's the second fitting (item #1 in pic above) that is causing my leak, and furthermore they think they are going to be able to replace it without removing the drive. Their plan is to fix it while on the trailer. Is that even possible? I guess they want to avoid having to drag it back to the shop, about a 60 mile round trip. I'm unclear as to where that part is located. Can they get at it by pulling the bellows back? Anyone ever changed that piece?
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Been delays on both sides, some theirs, some mine, a lot caused by my refusal to let them work on the boat unless I'm there so scheduling has been difficult. Comes down to I really don't trust them, but I'm willing to let them keep trying because so far it hasn't cost me anything but a bottle of drive oil and a bit of time. Weather has also been a huge factor. Because they maintain that they had identified the leak and "fixed" it before delivery we were working under the assumption that the initial loss of oil was the system "burping" out air. It wasn't until several weeks later and being able to put more hours on the boat when weather improved that we realized that was not the case. I have suggested to the shop twice that it would be better off for everyone in the long run to just pull the drive and check/change the u-joint seal but they steadfastly maintain that they feel it is not the culprit based on the amount of oil being lost, that it would have to force it's way past the gimbal bearing, fill the bellows and then leak into the bilge. So they keep focusing on the fittings.
Should have confirmation this morning that the tech is set up to meet me tomorrow morning. While we have the boat out on the trailer I'll be insisting that they pull the drain plug to take a look at the oil, do a pressure test if possible and have a good discussion on next steps if the fitting they want to change looks good.
I've been documenting all the conversations, e-mails, visits by the tech etc.
In a worst case scenario I get it fixed by another shop and take them to small claims court, but quite frankly I don't currently have the time or $$ for such an undertaking. I also don't want to lose the use of the boat for a great amount of time while we hassle it out. I've had the boat for 63 days as of today, and so far the dealer and I are still on "friendly" terms, I've been able to use and enjoy the boat (while having to add oil and clean the bilge from time to time) and otherwise she runs like a champ and looks great. I really do appreciate the advise and opinions of the members here, I think it's the support I value most and being able to "share" my issue while pursuing the fix.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Quote was also an off the cuff "worst" case scenario in a conversation with the mechanic at my marina. You are correct, that is exactly where I see the fresh oil.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Good news is that I had the tech confirmed to meet me and pull the boat this morning to see what we could do.
Bad news is that I hopped down off the tailgate of my pick-up yesterday and felt a blinding pain in my foot and ankle and had great difficulty walking. 5 hours in ER, an x-ray and an ultra-sound later, they tell me I've partially torn my Achilles tendon. Heading back in this morning to see an orthaepedic specialist to see what, if anything, they can do about it. Getting around in a walking cast for now.
I was able to speak with the tech by phone late yesterday and we've agreed to re-schedule for next Tuesday pending where I'm at. Worst comes to worst, he'll bring a helper and I'll bring a buddy and between us all we'll "git 'er done".
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)