Horsepower gains on a 350 MAG standard exhaust VS. Corsa side exhaust

This is more just being curious, then actually wanting to go through with it, but I am curious how much (if any) of a power gain it is to free up the restriction on boat exhaust.
2000 Captiva 232
the flow numbers just doesn't justify it. you may even lose some low end grunt just to add a tiny (not 1:1 trade) bit on the top end... talking a 3:1 trade, with the 3 being in the noticeable range and the 1 under the noticeable range.
sound is all you're gonna add if that's all you add (the cutouts)- and, personally, if i'm gonna deal with that noise it better pay dividends in performance.
backpressure is always bad. scavenging is never bad. people interchange those terms but they're not near the same thing. from what a builder told me (a marine builder where most my experience is on land with performance builds) the y design of the through prop actually breaths very well- and something i never considered (and Al echoed here once a while back) is that prop and colder water actually promotes scavenging instead of creating a back pressure/obstacle. i'd never considered that until those two mentioned it, and it was an 'aha' moment for me.
edited to add:
I DID use an exhaust pipe instead of the tube physically connecting the lower to the transom plate... this is the better of both worlds in my opinion... on step/plane and trimmed up, it flows freely as the pipe is exposed just outside the transom plate and in front of the lower... at idle/off step, it is tucked into the lower's exhaust passage sending the exhaust through the prop- nice and quiet around the dock.