The "would you take me out on your boat?" and then no-show passengers...

Must be that time of year again. How do you handle these events?
Got out of work Friday, met up with a friend on the water, we were sitting out enjoying the views around 4pm, my arguably best friend says "Hey whats up? Want to hang? I tell him sure, cmon down to the club, get some food and a beer on the way and I'll meet you there in 40 mins..." my other friend had to leave anyway, so pull the anchor and make the 40 min trek back to the dock (20 mins are at no wake). I'm tied up at the dock waiting, he gets to the food place and goes "You know, I don't really feel like this food anymore.." I tell him to go find other food and get to the dock.. 15 mins later "actually I think I'm just going to go home, I'm not feeling up to boating right now"
I was blown away by the fact that he got me to come all the way in and is blowing me off! Now I ended up texting another friend (a woman this time).. she brought her two kids and bought me dinner, we went back out and enjoyed sunset. So that's how I handled it in the moment, but I have to admit I'm thinking the next time I'm out and this guy asks to hang out it's going to be a "I'm on the water, will let you know when I'm back".
I have a 21 year old cousin who lives about 1.5 hours away. She's in town for a wedding that happened last night (saturday).
A week ago I get a text from her asking if I'd like to take her out on the boat on Sunday because she's got to check out of her hotel at 10am. She also casually throws in "and buy me lunch". I mention that it's usually the other way around and passengers bring all the food, but then say no big deal, everyone will just grab their own stuff and we'll meet at the boat (mother and sister coming too).
So she sends me a text inviting her self out, asks for lunch and then last night I get a text at 1am saying "Well there's a wedding brunch at 9am...and I'm not going to rush through it because this is a group of friends I don't get to see very often. SO I may have to end up taking a rain check depending on how long the brunch lasts". (I haven't seen her more than once a year for the past few years..)
Again, I'm not going to get mad about it, as my family and I still plan to lave the dock in about an hour and go have lunch. I just don't get these people...
My friend completely wasted my time gas and enjoyment of the water between 4pm and 6pm on Friday, might not seem like a big deal, but the boss let me out early to go do that and it's what I live for! My cousin just wasted a bunch of my time and typing out texts... lol
How do you handle these situations?
Got out of work Friday, met up with a friend on the water, we were sitting out enjoying the views around 4pm, my arguably best friend says "Hey whats up? Want to hang? I tell him sure, cmon down to the club, get some food and a beer on the way and I'll meet you there in 40 mins..." my other friend had to leave anyway, so pull the anchor and make the 40 min trek back to the dock (20 mins are at no wake). I'm tied up at the dock waiting, he gets to the food place and goes "You know, I don't really feel like this food anymore.." I tell him to go find other food and get to the dock.. 15 mins later "actually I think I'm just going to go home, I'm not feeling up to boating right now"
I was blown away by the fact that he got me to come all the way in and is blowing me off! Now I ended up texting another friend (a woman this time).. she brought her two kids and bought me dinner, we went back out and enjoyed sunset. So that's how I handled it in the moment, but I have to admit I'm thinking the next time I'm out and this guy asks to hang out it's going to be a "I'm on the water, will let you know when I'm back".
I have a 21 year old cousin who lives about 1.5 hours away. She's in town for a wedding that happened last night (saturday).
A week ago I get a text from her asking if I'd like to take her out on the boat on Sunday because she's got to check out of her hotel at 10am. She also casually throws in "and buy me lunch". I mention that it's usually the other way around and passengers bring all the food, but then say no big deal, everyone will just grab their own stuff and we'll meet at the boat (mother and sister coming too).
So she sends me a text inviting her self out, asks for lunch and then last night I get a text at 1am saying "Well there's a wedding brunch at 9am...and I'm not going to rush through it because this is a group of friends I don't get to see very often. SO I may have to end up taking a rain check depending on how long the brunch lasts". (I haven't seen her more than once a year for the past few years..)
Again, I'm not going to get mad about it, as my family and I still plan to lave the dock in about an hour and go have lunch. I just don't get these people...
My friend completely wasted my time gas and enjoyment of the water between 4pm and 6pm on Friday, might not seem like a big deal, but the boss let me out early to go do that and it's what I live for! My cousin just wasted a bunch of my time and typing out texts... lol
How do you handle these situations?
My slipmate had a sailboat and had a1pm sail time on Sundays. Not 1:00:01. 1pm. Miss it, your problem.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express