Who is running Hill Marine 4x4 props on a 232?

DP121DP121 Member Posts: 3
I was thinking of having my props balanced as there is a slight vibration at cruise. Boat is an '05 232 Cuddy with a 350 Mag MPI and Bravo 3 with a 26" prop set. I get 4800 Rpm and 50 MPH with this set up which is factory . While researching prop balancing a blade geometry I stumbled on the Hill Marine 4x4 prop sets they have available. So does anyone have experience with 4x4 prop sets on Rinker's sport boats?


  • DP121DP121 Member Posts: 3
    Update: I have the props back and installed. Prop shop said they were pretty far out of balance, but blade geometry was good. Took the boat out for a cruise at the local lake and it's much smoother than before. Glad I had the work done. The price is much better than new props 4 or 3 blades.
  • Lake_BumLake_Bum Member Posts: 1,006 ✭✭✭✭
    I don't have any experience with a 4x4 prop set. I also have a 232 cuddy, but I have 24 pitch on my Bravo 3, with 350 MAG.  I top out at 48 mph, at 4900rpm. I run the 24's because the lake I frequent is at 3600 ft elevation  B)
    2000 Captiva 232 
  • laureniac1laureniac1 Member Posts: 257 ✭✭✭
    Not on a sport boat but my 270 gets out of the water and gained some mph 

  • DP121DP121 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the responses. It seems like most people who run the 4x4 props have bigger/heavier boats. I did ask the shop about moving to the newer style 4 blade front 3 blade trailing set up that mercruiser uses. He said for the price it wasn't worth it. On a boat like mine I would see it plane out a couple feet quicker.

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