ownership transfer?

OK so I'm looking at this boat, and the guy can't find any of his registration paperwork and he doesn't have a title cause he said his state don't require one. I'm in Massachusetts, and the boat is in Maine. not sure, but it looks like the last registration was in New Hampshire. If he can't get anything paperwork wise, what can be done to transfer ownership legally, also I don't think he transferred to his name from the person he bought it from several years ago. basically its just been sitting. I have the HIN, Year, Make, Model and length, Engine size and Manufacturer. If anyone has any advice or suggestions Please let me know. Thanks
Hey I found this:
Q: Do I need to apply for a certificate of title?
A: All boats 14 feet or greater in length that are designed for use with a motor, or that use a motor at any time, must be titled. For example, sailboats 14 feet or longer with a backup motor in use, or sailboats designed for use with a backup motor, must be titled. Even canoes 14 feet or longer that use a motor of any type must be titled. Boats exempt from titling requirements include U.S. government-owned vessels; federally documented vessels; boats used solely for demonstration, testing, sales, or promotional purposes by a dealer or manufacturer; and boats registered in another state which are not located in the Commonwealth for more than 60 consecutive days.
This is from the Mass.Gov boat registration website. If you don't have a title, you won't be able to register it in Ma.