Anchoring - bridle or not

As I sit on Block Island in 30 knot winds under anchor I am contemplating my anchor setup. I am fully confident in my oversized Manson supreme as well as my amount of chain and rode out but I am not happy with my bridle setup, or lack of bridle setup. I am simply tied off to the center cleat in the anchor locker. Naturally as the boat swings it applies a good amount of lateral torque to the bow pulpit.
I'm debating on moving to a bridle for these conditions but not sure what is the best system and what works well on rope rode. I'm curious what you all do in windy anchoring conditions? Let's hear your setup.
I'm debating on moving to a bridle for these conditions but not sure what is the best system and what works well on rope rode. I'm curious what you all do in windy anchoring conditions? Let's hear your setup.
The windlass on any express cruiser from the modern era (say, 90's or later) is a tough, rugged device. I've never heard of one that suffered long-term damage from anchoring. Actually, I've never seen one fail for any reason. Maybe I'll eat these words someday, but I don't see it as a risk.
I'd worry more about getting hurt trying to un-cleat the rode if the wind is up. I've never seen an anchor rode break a windlass, but I've seen one break a finger, and it wasn't pretty.
No perm. damage that I can tell so far.
About breaking your finger, you should tie the line so that you undo the line from the anchor locker side, not the actual anchor side... kind of reverse what you're used to.. do you know what I'm saying? All the force should be on the first loop you made, then you tie it off using the side of the rope that isn't under any pressure.
If it's you alone... gotta move fast!!
It sounds like a prusick not is my best option. However I don't like the idea of having to undo that in a scenario where I'm dragging and may need to act fast. For now I'll stick to tying off on the center cleat. I would not have wanted the torque of the rode on my windlass today.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express