Galley Pump

After a nice couple of days on the boat, we secured it for the evening. Returning the next day to "re-stock" for our next time away, filled the water tank and now, when I switch on the galley pump toggle, the pump starts running, but no water to the taps. Before, the pump only came on when we opened a tap! Now it comes on with the toggle, but no water....any ideas?
Go Steelers!!!
Thankfully, a little patience, and calm thinking will help you keep your wits.
The system as a whole is very simple, and only a few things can go wrong. You mentioned the pump turns on, that is a good sign - eliminates electrical issues.
Next, check for any obvious signs of leaks, venting issues, and/or blockage at the strainer on the inlet tube from the tank.
If none found, fill the freshwater tank full, and open the nearest faucet to the pump, turn on the pump, and see if it primes.
If it does not prime, pull off the outlet (blue line) and turn on the pump to see if it will prime.
If this does not work, remove the pump from the wall by removing the 4 mounting screws, cut back the zip ties that hold the extra wire from main harness going into the pump to give yourself some wire slack, and move the pump AND inlet pipe BELOW the level of water in the tank, and run the pump. This allows for gravity priming, and if the pump is still good, after a few seconds, it should start pumping water.
If this still does not work, rebuild/replace the pump.