This feels like it is going to be expensive

Had a great day today and then not so great. We were on the Severn River just waiting on the sun to go down. I was in the channel off to the side looking at an inlet i haven't been in literally at a standstill. I put it in reverse to back out and about 30 seconds later i hear a clunk and felt like i hit something. I look down at my fishfinder and it said i was in 17 ft of water. Both engines stop. I look around, cant see anything at all, check the depth again and still have no idea what happened. I started up the engines and my port engine was fine but starboard wouldn't go into gear and just revved up. Forward or Reverse, nothing. It revs up really quick though. So i leave the engine on to give me power to steering and start to limp home. I was literally across the river from my marina. By the time i got close the starboard engine warning came on. Shut the engine down, popped the hatch and it had completely drained the gear lube reservoir. So i limped on in with just one engine and muscling the steering. So i am going with I hit something that either A) Spun the props and i just need to replace the props....fingers crossed.
I busted something in the transmission or C) busted something in the out drive. Feels like i need to have the marina pull the boat out regardless to look at everything. Advice? Any recommendations for a mechanic in the Annapolis area? This is gonna be one i don't try and do myself.

It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
that is some serious metal there. they had to get really whalloped. but where? the props are good... the skeg is good... the housing doesn't appear to have been hit.
i'd have to wager that was straight up fatigue.
Agree 100% with 212, Ras and RC14. Doesn't look like any reverse impact I have ever seen. Looks like the metal of the bell housing failed. No matter what hope all goes well!
Like @rasbury said -- sometimes, the impact and the failure can happen weeks or months apart. When I hit a sandbar in my 342 about ten years ago, the impact apparently made a small crack in the gimbal ring. I thought everything was fine. But two months later, after corrosion had time to work on the crack, I tried to get on plane and the gimbal ring broke.
So maybe your drive was damaged earlier this season, and it didn't break until now.
cheers for trim cylinders!!! those inglorious bastardos saved the day!!!
in all seriousness- i'm happy you guys got in without issue (relative to the situation), and i'm terribly sorry this happened. if that bellow had ruptured....................
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express