Voltage gauge faulty?
Gents, I have searched this forum for my answer but not finding the correct research. My voltage gauge is reading around 8-9, and there is a constant beeping alarming me of low voltage. During troubleshooting, I put a meter on the battery and it reads 12.86. Fired the boat up quickly and the battery reads 14.4 at idle. (alternator is working) This has been a problem for maybe a week and with my upgraded sound system, the boat always starts. I have noticed that under power for a few minutes the gauge will read 10volts, and beeeping will stop. but returns when idle within 30 seconds. Temporary I have unplugged the beeper, knowing that the gauge is wrong until I get this resolved. I have reseated the connection at the gauge to no resolve. Can you put a meter on the connection at the gauge and get a reading? I know there is three wires for the connecter. Ignition, ground, and power. Where does that power cable go, straight to the battery?
Go Steelers!!!
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Big honking wire from battery to fuse box. fuse box runs everything on dash (all the lighting, pumps,radios AND gauges and ignition system). when you turn things on, you are getting voltage drop on the big honking wire, add a bit of corrosion to some connections and you are getting more voltage drop. clean the connections,both hot and ground at the fuse block and see if the problem goes away. If not, then check the gauge (actually do the gauge first, easier)