Bravo 2 outdrive on a 199 rinker 2 fiesta vee

darrendarren Member Posts: 26
So, I had a bizarre but troublesome experience this evening, I took off from a riverfront place to eat, the boat stalled out, then after I put it in neutral to restart it, it would not go into forward, finally got it to go into reverse, after fighting the river for awhile, tried forward again, and it went into forward, cruised for awhile, then repeat, boat died, stuck reverse only then went into forward after a few minutes, had nothing trying to dock, is my out drive whacked? Or loose cables maybe that reconnect? Has plenty of fluid in the reservoir. I can't presently trailer the boat to inspect the out drive connections, anyone ever experience this? Any ideas?


  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,098 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like your shift cable needs to be adjusted or replaced.
    2008 330EC
  • darrendarren Member Posts: 26
    The shift cables were just replaced last year, they seem to be working okay. Today when I started it in neutral it took off in reverse and destroyed my shore power cord, even though I was tied to the dock. I called my mechanic and he said it sounds like the shift cam is going bad, said the older bravo II's around mines age are notorious for it, it's a 1995 mercruiser 7.4 bravo II. I tried to inspect the remote control part/ the forward and reverse portion, I got the cover off, but the 4 screws attaching it would not come out. So an out of adjustment cable can do all these crazy things? I didn't see any smoking gun, but is it critical I put an eye inside the remote box and make sure there is not a lot of slack or maybe a broken keeper before sending it to the shop for who knows how long?
  • darrendarren Member Posts: 26
    It wound up being the shift cam, whatever that is in the lower unit, they also replaced the shift cable as new, to math the new shift cam.
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